What I’ve Learned, Thus far, on My Spiritual Journey

Transformation is not a one stop shop. There’s so many ways to transform and so many things to learn along the path. Here’s what I’ve learned to be true, at least for myself over the past few years:Zemanta Related Posts Thumbnail

1. There is only one source of currency / income. It may appear to come from your job, a personal or bank loan, inheritance or from your credit cards; but without the Universal Source of all that is, the currency would not be flowing from those sources.

If the currency you are needing is not forthcoming in the form you think is required, it’s because you don’t need it. What you may be needing is an opportunity to receive from the bounty of lessons that are continually being bestowed upon you. It’s a clever disguise for getting creative and curious about what you are doing and who you are being in your life. It’s also an opportunity to list some of the countless ways currency is flowing in your life, in this moment.

2. There is only one source of Love. It may appear to come, or not come, from parents, children, partners, community, but without the Universal Source of all that is, Love would not be flowing through these sources.

If the love you are needing is not forthcoming in the form you think is required, it’s because you don’t need it. What you may be needing is an opportunity to receive from the bounty of lessons that are continually being bestowed upon you. It’s a clever disguise for getting creative and curious about what you are doing and who you are being in your life. It’s also an opportunity to list some of the countless ways you are being loved, in this moment.

3. There is only one source of Beauty. It may appear to come from sunsets and sunrises, from beautiful clothing, cars, boats and holiday destinations. But without the Universal Source of all that is, beauty would not be flowing through these sources.

If the beauty you are needing is not forthcoming in the form you think is required, it’s because you don’t need it. What you may be needing is an opportunity to receive from the bounty of lessons that are continually being bestowed upon you. It’s a clever disguise for getting creative and curious about what you are doing and who you are being in your life. It’s also an opportunity to list some of the countless ways you are being bathed in beauty in this moment.

4. There is only once source of fulfillment of all of our desires and wants, our hopes and our wishes. It may appear to be from stuff and accolades, acknowledgments and project completions, the children we’ve created or the power we’ve derived. But without the Universal Source of all that is, fulfillment would not be flowing through these sources.

If the fulfillment you are needing is not forthcoming in the form you think is required, it’s because you don’t need it. What you may be needing is an opportunity to receive from the bounty of lessons that are continually being bestowed upon you. It’s a clever disguise for getting creative and curious about what you are doing and who you are being in your life. It’s also an opportunity to list some of the countless ways you are being bathed in fulfillment, in this moment.

5. There is only once source of faith. It may appear to come through meditation, prayer, books and people, spiritual and religious traditions. And though the Universal Source of all that is never anywhere but here in this moment, it is up to me / you to re-source it. Nothing can bring us the faith that is required. No one can teach us how to live in faith. It can be pointed to, explained and discussed, but only you alone can experience faith and the richness that it brings.

If the faith you are needing is not forthcoming in the form you think is required, it’s because you don’t need it. What you may be needing is an opportunity to receive from the bounty of lessons that are continually being bestowed upon you. It’s a clever disguise for getting creative and curious about what you are doing and who you are being in your life. It’s also an opportunity to list some of the countless ways you are already living and being in faith.

My spiritual journey has me encounter the many trials and tribulations that is a no-brainer, given that I’ve chosen this path called humanity. Meeting moments of hopelessness, powerlessness and helplessness is required in order to truly experience the true essence of humanity “ the raw, vulnerable, messiness to which I must surrender “ if I’m ever to make progress in my spiritual evolution.

It’s so good to share with you what I’ve learned over these past years; however, I’d be remissed if I didn’t also share that I still feel powerless, hopeless and helpless sometime, and wish that living in faith wasn’t so scary. But with lessons learned “ one being that there will never be an end to them, I come to live more in peace and acceptance that this human path is an exquisite adventure.

I’d love it if you’d share this with others who you think might find value in this blog. And, of course LIKE IT, if you do, so others can see what is important to you.

Who is Dr. Rosie? Dr. Rosie Kuhn is a preeminent thought leader in the field of Transformational Coaching and Leadership Development. She is available for Speaking Engagements, Coaching Sessions for Individuals, Organizations and Executives, as well as Trainings. Her books can be found at Amazon.com. And, be sure to check out many of her other blogs as www.theparadigmshifts.com.

A course in Self-Empowerment is available at http://www.dailyom.com

And, as always I’m here to empower you into your fullest expression of your essential self. A coaching session is just a phone call away. 360-376-4323.

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