Category: Aging Like a Guru Who me?

Aging – Who Me?

My 68-year-old client, Miranda, was profoundly impacted by the results of her cataract surgery. Without the need for glasses, Miranda was confronted by the fact that she could no longer hide that she is aging.   For decades, Miranda’s eyeglasses were a fashion statement. She has all sorts of shapes and colors. She loved the attention she received because of her personal style in eyewear!  Until her cataract surgery she hadn’t realized the degree to which she was hiding behind her glasses. Without them she felt vulnerable, ashamed, old and on the decline into decrepitude. Holy Cow!!   On our

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“The Big 10 Take Aways” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, Podcast #200

The Big 10 Take Aways One hundred podcasts on Aging Like a Guru! There must be a lot of great and wise tidbits of information in this series, eh?! I know I’ve grown a lot in creating these podcasts. Listen in to hear the big 10 take aways of Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? . . . and then share your perspective on my Facebook page! – – – – For more blogs, books and videos, or if you are interesting in coaching or training with Dr. Rosie, check out her website:

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“I Don’t Like Being Told What to Do” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, Podcast #199

I Don’t Like Being Told What to Do As we age we don’t want to give up our freedom and independence, which often means that we make choices that perhaps are not in our best interest. Here’s an example: I haven’t been doing my daily energy routine, and even after only two days I can feel the effects. Damn it!!! I hate doing things I don’t want to do! I’ve been like this my whole life! This is probably a foundational element, not only to the way I live my life but the way I coach my clients – to

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“Simplicity of Living Comes with Practice” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #198

Simplicity of Living Comes with Practice I love the sparkles of snowflakes falling. I love the wonder of the stars in the sky. I love watching the sunset and the sunrise, if it’s not too early. These have always been aspects of life on Earth with which I’ve found bliss. There are also many aspects of life that with age have become not so fun, not so interesting, and I just can’t be bothered by any more. This intention of this podcast is to all the question, Who Am I, to inform me of what’s of value in my life.

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“Crisis of Meaning Crisis of Faith” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, Podcast #197

Crisis of Meaning, Crisis of Faith Though I’ve experienced a lot of major accomplishments in my life, I live as if I’ve not really accomplished anything important or of merit. Though I’ve finished my PhD, sailed across the Atlantic Ocean, written 13 books, and done lots of other stuff, and, though I’ve loved a lot and made some really hard choices in the name of love, my inner world, as I experience it, says that I’ve not amounted to anything. It may sound incredulous, but I feel as if I’ve not yet accomplished that one thing that will make me

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“Why Stick Around?” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, Podcast #196

Why Stick Around? Human life is so complex. The truth is that we exist in so many dimensions. We have past lives, parallel lives, emotional lives and spiritual lives. So who the hell are we, and why do we do this thing called Life on Earth? Each of us have our own answers to those questions. Each of us have our own curriculum. No two of us are on the same trajectory. We are alone on our personal quest, along with eight billion others. That’s funny, though mostly, it doesn’t feel funny at all. It feels scary, insane, and, a

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“What Have I Got to Show for My Life?” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, Podcast #195

What Have I Got to Show for My Life? I have no doubt that each of us face the existential question of: What Have I Got to Show for My Life? It’s a big question that goes along with: Have I fulfilled my heart’s desires? Have I made a difference in the world? Was I loved? Did I love enough? Taking inventory of one’s accomplishments, one’s failures, one’s apathy, one’s hurtful attitudes, can bring any one of us to a place of valuing the exquisite life adventure we’ve brought about by our own choices. We see how we really couldn’t

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“Be True to You!!” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, Podcast #194

Be True to You!! I’ve been asking myself some really hard questions lately: What is the ultimate motive underlying everything I do? What is the purest intention of my life? What is my heart’s desire? How did I come to choose to see myself and the world around me the way I do? These are questions we all ask ourselves in some way or another. And, these are questions few of us actually answer for ourselves. It takes time and presence of mind, body & spirit to discern the deepest truth that lies within. Aging like a guru requires that

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“Doing is the Undoing of Me” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #193

Doing is the Undoing of Me As I get ever closer to creating 100 podcasts, I wonder if I’m done with these podcasts on Aging Like a Guru. Is it time to stop? Do I want to stop? Should I stop? Should I continue? There are a lot of emotions that arise as I face this arrival at 100 podcasts. And, additionally, I see myself distracting myself with doing something that takes me out of the discomfort that currently is the state of being for me. As I witness myself distract myself with any number of things, I realize that

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“The Essentials of Humor in the Aging Process” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me, with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #192

The Essentials of Humor in the Aging Process The process of aging brings with it so many opportunities to experience embarrassing and humiliating events. There’s no way around it. So we might as well learn to laugh at ourselves. Listen in for some laughs! – – – – For more blogs, books and videos, or if you are interesting in coaching or training with Dr. Rosie, check out her website:

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