“What Have I Got to Show for My Life?” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, Podcast #195

What Have I Got to Show for My Life?

I have no doubt that each of us face the existential question of: What Have I Got to Show for My Life? It’s a big question that goes along with: Have I fulfilled my heart’s desires? Have I made a difference in the world? Was I loved? Did I love enough?

Taking inventory of one’s accomplishments, one’s failures, one’s apathy, one’s hurtful attitudes, can bring any one of us to a place of valuing the exquisite life adventure we’ve brought about by our own choices. We see how we really couldn’t have done it any differently. We can surrender judgments, reprisals, humiliation, and self-punishment, if we choose to. And in so doing we can live in peace and gratitude for the way that it is. Yeah, who wants to do that?!

The intention of Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? is to provide opportunities to be curious about who you are and how you came to be you. I, myself, am fascinated with that question. Obviously, my work as a transformational coach allows me to empower people to empower themselves to be curious enough to explore the inner world – where no man or woman has ever gone before – into your essential self!

We can die in despair with the perception that our lives amounted to nothing, or we can die in self-honor, that we courageously met each day no matter what. Each of us faces our endings in our own unique way. How do you want to face your ending?

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For more blogs, books and videos, or if you are interesting in coaching or training with Dr. Rosie, check out her website: www.theparadigmshifts.com

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