Why Bali, Why Rosie, Why a Retreat?

8 weeks from now I’ll be facilitating the Weaving Heaven and Earth Retreat in Bali. I’ve been asked – Why Bali? What value is there in going so far away? And why me – Rosie? Why a retreat and not just a vacation?

Why Bali?

Put simply, Bali is Beautiful. Exquisitely, National Geographic beautiful! And the Balinese’s devotion to the sacred in all of life + rich history of ceremonies and rituals, envelops us visitors and carries us in the sacred vibration, a looong way from the stresses and rigors of life in the Western-culture cities we will be arriving from. Bali will transport us into natural wonder, beauty, and the mystical alchemy of Heaven and Earth. I have no doubt that you will be in awe on a daily basis while staying in Bali.

Heather Stansbury, Bryan Benepe, and their daughter Zoey are our hosts for this retreat. They own the Lilin Lovina Beach Hotel in Lovina, Bali, which is on the North shore. Our hosts, who are dear friends of mine, know this part of the island like the back of their hand, and are excited to assist me in creating excursions that are guaranteed to delight and engage our intimate group in several heavenly experiences on Earth. Having this immersion into Heaven on Earth, having the most direct experience of what we can only imagine Heaven to be like, allows us to begin to shape the life on Earth that is truly what we wish to experience every day, wherever we are on the planet. Yes–we will be practicing cultivating Heaven on Earth for when we return to our daily routines in our hometowns.

Why me – Dr. Rosie?

I’ve facilitated many a retreat, as close as my own sanctuary here on Orcas, and as far away as Moscow, Russia. My experience as a facilitator, my experience as a life coach and trainer, my training as an expressive arts specialist, spiritual guide, and coach to those who have had near death experiences and have shared what Heaven was like, all contribute to me designing and facilitating this retreat in Bali. I’m eager, no ecstatic to share with you, and to facilitate you stepping into your experience of Heaven on Earth.

I have nearly 40 years of experience in the field of human potential and transformation. My own personal and spiritual work has immersed me in some of the most exquisite and deep aspects of our humanity. I’ve safely stewarded and guided my clients through their own life-altering unfoldings, and for me it is what makes life worth living – engaging with other human beings at the most exquisite depths of truth. And I love having fun!

Why a Retreat?

This retreat in Bali is not for sissies! Weaving Heaven and Earth is for people who have a knowing that life on Earth, as we “know” it, is just a fraction of the potential that is available to us. It is for people who have a sense of adventure – not only regarding traveling to exotic Islands in Indonesia, but also regarding the adventure of exploring inner landscapes, and bringing them into expression in the world they see around them. I call that “living into your dreams!”

I have no doubt that we are here on Earth to bring heavenly ideas and truths into manifestation on this planet in every possible way. I so look forward to seeing all of you who believe as I do, that weaving Heaven and Earth will bring sustainability of true well-being, fulfillment, and commitment to purposeful living to all who attend.

That is my why. If this inspires you and tugs at your soul, I hope that you will join me in this heavenly adventure!

*For details on excursions included, dates, prices, accommodations, etc., visit www.NorthBaliConnections.com

P.S. I will be arriving in Bali a couple of weeks before the retreat to let the spirit of Bali seep into my bones. I can’t wait to tell you about it so please stay tuned– I’m sure I will be blogging up a storm!

P.P.S. Interesting in coaching with me? I will still be coaching my clients from Bali. Simply email me to get on my schedule. I look forward to stewarding you towards your own awakening of your deeper truths!


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