“Who’s Your Savior?!” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? With Dr. Rosie Kuhn Podcast #111

Who’s Your Savior?!

Everyday we put our faith in many, many people, organizations, and things such as banks, our employers, our families, our doctors, our cars, insurance company…. The list goes on and on! My question for you today is, “What’s the degree to which you put your faith in you? How safe do you feel making choices that impact on your health and wellbeing as you age?” Here are some thoughts about that!

For more blogs, books, videos, or if you are interested in coaching or training with Dr. Rosie, check out her website: www.theparadigmshifts.com

Heal – The Documentary can be found at: Netflix

Anita Moorjani’s book What If This Is Heaven? Can be found here!

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