“Sometimes Aging Ain’t So Pretty!” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? with Dr. Rosie Kuhn #144

Sometimes Aging Ain’t So Pretty!

Glen has Parkinson’s Disease. He is 72, lives alone, and he fell the other day. He was needing to get to the bathroom – didn’t make it – messed his pants and laid there for hours before someone found him and called 911. He will probably end up having to live in a long-term care facility since he doesn’t have anyone who will care for him at home. He has no options! He is at the mercy of the healthcare and the social welfare systems.

Truth is, Glen isn’t taking care of himself. He’s depressed, bitter, and scared. He is resentful of the world so he chooses to "punish" the world by letting himself fall into this level of self-neglect.

There are a lot of people like Glen, who in one way or another neglect their own well-being. More than likely it is a life-long patterning of seeing oneself as violated, disempowered, victimized and at the mercy of the world.

What It’s Like To Be Glen

Compassion is what I experience when I hear about Glen. Though I don’t suffer from any specific disease, I know what it’s like to live in bitter, depressed, resentment. It sucks! I know what it’s like to feel powerless, hopeless, and helpless. That sucks too. I know what it is like to have to choose to give up the belief that life will turn out the way I want, and to surrender my will. Yuck!!!

Truth is – from my perspective, Glen is at a point in his life where he has to give up his will and turn his life over to a healthcare system. One way or another, we will have to turn it over – voluntarily or not! We are at choice in so many ways; perhaps many more than we want to empower ourselves to be.

I for one want to do whatever I can to not end up in Glen’s shoes. I want to take the steps now to alleviate anything and everything that would contribute to the level of isolation and desperateness that afflicts so many people in the world who are in Glen’s type of situation.

As I’ve mentioned before, the intention of these podcasts, Aging Like a Guru – Who Me?, is to provide a perspective that says that each of us are at choice: to change what we can change, and also to come to accept what we cannot change. We are empowered always and everywhere to bring our life-force into it’s fullest radiant expression. Whether you want to believe it or not, we are at choice!

Perhaps you, too, feel that bitter, powerless, resentment. Perhaps you conceal it under any number of personas – humor, smart, disdain, to name a few. "I don’t give a rat’s-ass," is a good one, too! I get it! I’ve lived there most of my life. It’s not pretty. It isn’t fun to be around, and I hated myself for it! And, I chose, and continue to choose, to do whatever I can to stop doing what doesn’t work. That includes adjusting my attitude.

It might be weird to consider, but, I hold as part of my truth, that like all of us, Glen is on a spiritual journey. His path has brought him here, to this moment, to this profound life experience. Within these desperate circumstances, Glen always has the power to choose how he will be going forward. As is the case for all of us, there are extraordinary opportunities for him to allow himself to know himself in peace, wholeness, and love.

I Don’t Want to End Up Like Glen

Glen is a reflection of each of us. As we age, we can choose, as I had done in the past, to live in desperateness. And, as we age, we can choose a different path. Be curious about which path you are choosing! The work of spiritual growth is a requirement. You can do it now, or you can do it later. You get to choose!

I love that we are always at choice of when and how. That’s the good news – even for Glen!

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For more blogs, books and videos, or if you are interesting in coaching or training with Dr. Rosie, check out her website: www.theparadigmshifts.com

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