How Do I Know This is Right For Me?

Am I Meant to Be in Bali?

How Do I Know if this Retreat is Right for Me?

It is one thing to be intellectually savvy about spirituality. You’ve read the books; you talk about it in ways that allow you to feel confident in your truth. However, it is another thing to venture into experiences that will put you smack dab in the middle of the very essence of what you’ve only been thinking and talking about, until now.

When choosing a workshop or retreat experience, you want to trust that you will be safe in the hands of the facilitator of the event. You want to step into the environment confident that you will be met every step of the way by an individual who thoroughly knows and has experienced the road that brings one into the potential transformative nature of what they are inviting you into. I get it. And I have walked this road for 40 years.

I was thinking this morning that this invitation to join me in Bali is going out to thousands of people. And yet, only a handful of people will say yes. Only a handful of people will be ready to engage with life experiences that will expand the bandwidth of their comfort zone, to include what may take some courage and strength to face.

This unique handful of people will not only be pushing the edge of their comfort zone, but they will expect me to push mine as well. I accept!

When considering a retreat, you are investing not only in beautiful lodgings, food, travel, excursions and discussions; you are investing your trust, your heart, and your spirit in a sacred environment within which you expect to amplify your own ability to embrace a bigger truth about life and about yourself. You want to experience your "A" GAME, and to do that, you have to know that your facilitator – in this case Me, will take every opportunity to empower you to make that happen. There is a lot of trust happening, eh?

And, I, as the facilitator of such an exquisite process of Weaving Heaven and Earth have to trust not only the participants to reach for the sky, but I have to trust in my highest truth and knowing; I have to surrender into the wisdom of Heaven and of Earth to bring about everything needed to make this a most received experience by everyone involved. I’m up for it! Are you??

I’m excited to see who will be with me in Bali! If you are ready, I look forward to seeing you there. If you aren’t quite ready, I look forward to the opportunity to see you in-person at another time.

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