“What to Do When Someone Dies” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, Podcast #187

What to Do When Someone Dies

This podcasts is a great summary of what we need to consider before we die, and perhaps before our beloved parents, partners, or children die.

No one wants to think about this topic, however when death arrives, someone will have to make choices – tough choices, sometimes hugely expensive choices. To consider and choose now can bring about more peace when the inevitable death does arrive.

Through this exploration I realized that there are many choices available to all of us that we may not be aware of. Like, for instance, did you know that you can actually keep a loved one home for a home funeral for a number of days before they go to their final resting spot or crematorium? There are Home Funeral Guides, and quite a few books on the subject. I found this really fascinating.

I also loved that you don’t need to buy expensive caskets. Cardboard caskets, willow caskets, or shrouds all work. So, checking out options now and making a plan, even though you may not pass for decades, at least has something in place for those who have to be responsible for what comes next.

I personally want to avoid this whole topic. However, as I told my daughter, I believe I’d be irresponsible if I didn’t have a plan laid out to make everything as simple and effortless as possible. I’m glad that she appreciates my perspective. She didn’t think I was weird or over-dramatizing the whole death thing. She was good with it. We even looked on Amazon for caskets together! How much closer can a mother & daughter get? We had a good laugh!!!

Listen in for what I discovered in my research.

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For more blogs, books and videos, or if you are interesting in coaching or training with Dr. Rosie, check out her website: www.theparadigmshifts.com

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