“The Aging Goddess – An Interview with Susie Verde” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? With Dr. Rosie Kuhn Podcast #132

The Aging Goddess – An Interview with Susie Verde

Today I’m visiting with my friend Susie Verde. Susie is Brazilian, 50 years old, and passionate about helping creative women access their unique, authentic self and unleash their unlimited potential through a unique approach to personal transformational. She is an Ordained Interfaith Minister, a life purpose coach, a Positive Psychology Practitioner, and a professional astrologer.
Susie’s interest in the wisdom of the Divine Feminine has led her to the south of France many times, in search of the hidden story of Mary Magdalene. Hidden and misjudged by the church for millennia, She now reappears in the collective consciousness offering groundbreaking teachings of how to lead fully embodied spiritual lives, filled with joy and meaning.
Susie will be leading a full weekend retreat called Listening to the Wisdom of the Heart inspired by the Magdalene’s teachings on Oct 4-6th at the Catskills, NY.
Please enjoy this aging guru!

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For more blogs, books and videos, or if you are interesting in coaching or training with Dr. Rosie, check out her website: www.theparadigmshifts.com

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