Transformational Coaching, The Essential Self and the True Self

The "Essential Self" is the current condition of centuries (life times) of evolution of the individual Soul. Authentic, unrestrained, unconditional, and unfiltered expression of our this true self in each and every moment is critical to the un-concealing of and alignment with our "Essential Self."

Transformational coaching not only cultivates awareness of the Essential Self it also has a listening that reveals this Self in a way that elevates its significance to primary. When an individual begins to tap into their Essential Self, they are inspired to uncover more and more as the quality of experience that arises from authentic living feels generative and profoundly empowering by nature. In the end the True Self will accept the Essential Self as home. The divisive constructs of our culture slowly evaporate allowing effortless expansion and actualization of our Oneness to continue.

Training to be a transformational coach is an intensive in cultivating intelligence through self-study, deep listening and the practice of curiosity. Every aspect of of Life – including Business, Health, Spirituality and Relationship is responsive to the foundational practices found within a transformational coach.

Currently, individual training is facilitated by Dr. Rosie Kuhn. If you have an interest in talking with Rosie about the process of becoming a transformational coach, contact her at

For more information on what is a transformational coach go to: What-is-Coaching

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