Get Out Those Tweezers!

When I took up coaching as a vehicle for my work, 13 years ago now, I had no idea that this practice would generate an unfolding process within me, as well as my clients and trainees. I had no idea that it would continue to evolve, expanding the bandwidth of my reality, as well as my capacity to be with the BIG FAT BE-WITH’s, which come with personal and professional growth. It hurts SO good!

Flying to San Jose, CA, on Thursday and then to Moscow the following week to provide trainings, is a dream come true. I’ve had to stretch myself in huge ways to allow myself the gift of not only dreaming big, but allowing this big dreams to come true. I think that’s a secret ingredient that is missing for most of us in our recipe for success: unconcealing those intricately detailed misconceptions that interfere with having what we want. It takes a fine pair of tweezers, sometimes, to extract those seemingly innocuous, yet horribly debilitating beliefs and interpretations from our memory bank. However, if we don’t remove those little buggers, they’ll just fester and cause us terminal pain and suffering; and, the consequence of that is that we’ll never realize the happy ending to our story.

My hope is that you, too, are deeply engaged in growing yourself, beyond recognition”stretching your comfort zone to allow the fullest expression or your essential self, and then, stretching some more. Allowing yourself such a gift brings fulfillment to every individual being ever to be born on this planet; for they all played a part in bringing you and me to this moment “ the precipice from which we leap.

If you are in the Bay Area and have an inclination to get a glimpse at the work I’m doing, I’d love to see you this Friday, Aug. 9, in San Jose, at the Silicon Valley YWCA. For more information, contact me or Click Here to read more!

My intention will always be to empower you to bring your fullest expression into the world. If you imagine anyway that our working together will bring this about, contact me, and let’s see what we can make happen!

I’ll keep you posted on my excursion to Russia; and, yes, it will say From Russia, with Love.
Sending you love, hugs and blessings,

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