Author: Rosie

"Doing What I Do Only for the Right Reasons – My Reasons!" Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? With Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #167

Doing What I Do Only for the Right Reasons – My Reasons! I used to believe life was about struggling – well into my forties. But somewhere, somehow, something shifted, and I came to see that I didn’t want life to be about struggling. I wanted life to be fun. I came up with the the three most important qualities of being that I wanted in my life, no matter what: Freedom, Fun, and Flexibility! Every one of us aging gurus figures out sooner or later what the right reason is for doing what we do. We are all different

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“Falling Happens” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #166

Falling Happens We fall. Sometimes we can’t get back up. Not a happy thought! So many of us live as victims to our circumstances. Aging gurus take a different perspective. They are proactive, engaged, and present to who they are and how they are living every day. This is what I want for all of us. We have access to all the information we need on how to live healthy lives. We are all at choice to how we choose what we choose. In the end, it doesn’t really matter what you choose. You’ll either be resilient and vital until

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“The End Times – How Will They Arrive for Me?” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #165

The End Times – How Will They Arrive for Me? We all die. Every living organism dies. So why do we spend so much time ignoring, denying, avoid, and distracting ourselves from consciously talking about our end times? Our context/paradigm regarding aging and old age focuses primarily on decline and decrepitude. But it doesn’t have to be that way! If we willingly choose to talk about how we choose to see ourselves, we can choose to see ourselves differently. Most of us see ourselves as victims of life and death, medicare and social security, the needs of caretakers and the

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“Stillness – Wisdom or Aging?” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #164

Stillness – Wisdom or Aging? Over the past few weeks I’ve been taking a nap almost daily. Sometimes it’s fatigue that’s driving me to lay down. Sometimes I just want to create an emptiness in my mind. I use my mind to think about, discover, and unconceal patterns in my life that limit my capacity to be the fullest expression of my essential self. All that thinking makes me want a break! When I lay down, I’m calling a “time out!” And, I can then focus my attention to where there is no thought – only emptiness. Sometimes, I’ll say,

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“There is No Such Thing as Dysfunctional!” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #163

There is No Such Thing as Dysfunctional! The truth is, we grow up in families, cultures, educational, political and religious environments that condition us to think, feel, need, and want what is considered normal for our culture. If we deviate from the norms of our environment, we are considered a black sheep, and perhaps become an outcast. So, regardless of how sick and crazy our culture might be, we learn to bend to their rules. And, within this, then we are “functioning.” When we venture out into the world where other cultures meet or meld, we might find ourselves limited

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Wanting the Stars in My Lap: Manifesting – The Art of Letting Go

I know a lot of people, including me, who want to instantly manifest their desires for wealth and prosperity. There are even tons of books and videos, workshops and presenters that tell you how to do it. The truth is, however, most of us miss the point of the exercise of what’s being taught, so we manifest disappointment, not delight! The book Oneness, received and transcribed by Rasha (2006), provides enormous support in cultivating the capacity to manifest one’s heart’s desire. It virtually says the same thing that every other source of expertise on the subject suggests: To notice and

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“How Old Do You Feel?” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #162

How Old Do You Feel? In a recent article in the NY Times, it was shared that how old you feel, or how young you feel, is a great indicator of your health. Generally, the younger you feel the healthier you are. This is good to know, right? We have the power to create health and vitality. We can choose how healthy we want to feel and then make choices in alignment with that commitment, or not. Essentially, we are 100% responsible for our own lives. We have 100% potentiality to flourish to the degree to which we wish to

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“I’m Aging My Way” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #161

I’m Aging My Way In a couple of weeks you’ll be listening to an interview I’m doing with Rajiv Nagaich regarding aging options. He is the founder of a company in the Seattle area called Aging Options. He and his staff support and empower people to stay in their own homes, not go broke, and not be a burden to their loved ones. We all want that right? An interesting fact is that over 85% of the population of the US want to die in their own home. However only about 20% actually make that happen. What is it that

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“The HOW is the Entire Point of This Journey” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #160

The HOW is the Entire Point of This Journey Upon reviewing our lives, reliving memories of the past, we can see patterns and strategies we were conditioned to engage in. There were principles and rules, ideals and obligations to uphold. As we age, and perhaps as we get beyond obligations of family and career, we are given an opportunity to review how we lived our lives, how we made choices, and how we lived within the consequences of those choices. If you are able to imagine yourself an "Indiana Jones" of sorts, you can see your life as an amazing

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“Trying to Out-Do God – Not Me!” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #159

Trying to Out-Do God – Not Me! My dad thought he was immortal and invincible when it came to dying. I watched him struggle to stay in his body when everything was going against him. His body was shutting down but he was determined to out-do God. It didn’t work! My friends Marj and Fred went to a memorial this weekend for a dear friend here on the Island. They were laughing about the fact that even though death is inevitable, there is always a shock, surprise or amazement when some one dies. "Oh My God!! He Died?" There are

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