Author: Rosie

There’s So Much More to Being Than Meets the Eye

My friend Daisy, who worked in hospice for many years, shared with me that most people make the greatest spiritual advancement in the last few weeks of their lives. I find that fascinating! Why wait?   The last time I was sick, I had not been sick for years prior, so the discomfort of it all was pretty annoying. I wasn’t sleeping and my nose was running constantly. I was realizing that that was a good time to practice something akin to meditation, but it’s not.   When I think of meditation, I think of a practice that takes me

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Wonders Never Cease

About 25 years ago, my friend Joan came to my home to do an energy clearing. She had a lot of experience in Feng Shui and other techniques for bringing harmony and balance to people and spaces. She offered to come do a clearing in my new abode and I took her up on it! Thanks Joan!   While Joan worked with dowsing rods to uncover and clear specific energies in my home, I was enchanted and mesmerized by what I witnessed. If you’ve ever seen or played with dowsing rods, or perhaps a pendulum, you know what I’m talking

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It’s Never About the Money or Fighting My Way Out of A Paper Bag

I’ve been living in a RV travel trailer for almost 20 years. My reality hasn’t yet opened me up to living in a real home. I once got so far as to have the house design and permit completed. On the day the permit was in place, I came down with an excruciating headache that lasted for days. I took this to be a sign—too much stress!   If you visit me in my trailer, walking in the door, you are transported. The views themselves would transport you out of the perceptions and perhaps judgments that you are in an

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Do You Pray, Meditate or Quiet Your Mind? Me Either

I have a deep knowing—without a shadow of a doubt, that every single individual on the planet is working towards reclaiming and residing in, what is innate and naturally present—inner peace. Within this inherent peace resides compassion for ourselves and others. It is where one’s capacity to fully embrace joy and love is ignited.   At the same time, each of us struggles to remain in the reality we are immersed in, where our feet are planted, and our fears of safety, security and stability are well entrenched. Rarely do we find ourselves knowing inner peace. In this is an

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My Job Is To Let You Know That I Know That You Know!

One of the principles that separate transformational coaches from other coaches is that they know that their clients already know what they need to know. Huh? As transformational coaches, we trust, respect and honor our clients’ experience, wisdom and intuition. They truly know what they want; what’s in the way of having what they want; what needs to shift so that they can receive what they want; and what they need to practice to make it so. We, as transformational coaches just have to ask the right questions and listen, listen, listen for the wisdom that is inherent within each

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I Don’t Want to Be a Ghost Walking Among the Living Dead

Thank you to those of you who reached out wishing me well regarding my malaise. I know a lot about self-awakening—my own, and supporting others to self-awaken too! Mypersonal life’s mission is to experience more joy and playful delight. I want to live in theexperience of thriving. In service to my mission to thrive, I’m growing my capacity to notice myself, when I am in the doldrums or malaise, and what I need to do to move myself out of thatstate of being, and into a place at least void of the doldrums. One of my intentions for writing these columns

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The Wiggly Squiggly Truth

Here’s what I believe, if your interested… Creating is one of the most important practices in life. Each individual being is an expression of the Divine energy of LIFE. We are each unique expressions of the Intelligence behind all that is. And, I believe that, our true test in life is to be the fullest expression of our essential nature. And, finally, as part of creation we are creators ourselves—we can’t not be! Every single client of mine is subjected to at least one short lecture on the importance of creating in their lives. The majority of them respond with

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In Sickness and In Health: Illness as a Rite of Passage

My client, Martha, emailed me before our session yesterday, to say she was in the hospital. She had had an asthma attack so severe that her husband took her to the emergency room. She wondered if I’d be okay if we could do our session while she was in the hospital. A lot was coming up with her and she wanted to talk about it sooner, rather than later. Of course, I was absolutely fine with that. I had no doubt, especially in conversation with Martha, some wonderful revelations would present themselves. Sitting in the hospital, Martha experienced a lot

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The Common Denominator—Turning Life Upside Down

People often ask me how I can be so transparent, upfront and personal with my life. My answer is this: What I know to be true is that everyone of us are living through circumstances that, though may look different than mine, are actually very, very similar at the core of our experience and our being.  I share what I share about what it’s like to be me with the intention of letting people know that none of us are alone in our human existence.  Wherever you look, you’ll see people who are going through struggles that though may look

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Sitting in the Extraordinariness of Someone Else’s Dream

Last night I watched the movie Spirited, with Will Ferrel, Ryan Reynolds and so many great actors—and with a huge cast (Written and produced by Sean Anders and John Morris. It’s on AppleTV). WOW!! The wow for me is that this incredibly complex modern Christmas story, is based on Dicken’s “A Christmas Carol.” However, the extraordinariness of, well, everything about this movie, silences my mind. In my heart I sit in that moment when one person said to himself, “Hey! I got an idea!!!” Whether its the Wright brothers or Anders and Morris, the moment inspiration is sparked is a

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