Author: Rosie

Trying to Out-Do God – Not Me! 

My dad thought he was immortal and invincible when it came to dying. I watched him struggle to stay in his body when everything was going against him. His body was shutting down, but he was determined to out-do God. It didn’t work! My friends Harry and Carol attended a memorial service some time ago. They were laughing about the fact that even though death is inevitable, there is always a shock, surprise or amazement when someone dies. “Oh My God!! He Died?” There are a lot of people that eat too much, drink too much, and do things that

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Those Gifts of Christmas That Keep On Giving

In 1968, when I was about six years old, on a wintry Christmas Eve, my father was driving my five siblings and I home from an adventure in the City of Detroit. He was a doctor at Detroit Memorial Hospital. And, to cheer up some of his patients, who would remain in the hospital over Christmas, he paraded the six of us into their rooms to sing Christmas carols. They seemed to appreciate the efforts of this version of the “Von Trapp Family.”  After the hospital tour, he took us for dinner at Joe Muers Seafood Restaurant. It was the

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The Re-Enchantment of Our Inner-Santa

At this time of year, we are celebrating the presence of miracles. We are celebrating the coming of the light. We are celebrating the potentiality for peace, an engaged presence, love, joy, harmony. We imagine the possibility. We hope for the resolution of conflict within families, cultures and countries. We want miracles! And, at the same time we resist being open to miracles! What???? Christmas—Bah-Humbug! As much as we want to believe in miracles, we instead, ignite our inner cynic—the one that says, Bah-Humbug!!! As cynical as you may consider yourself to be, you can only be cynical in relation

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Dropping Your Identity of Hope: No Strings Attached!

Recently, I was imagining what it’s like to be me, with no hope attached to what I do and don’t do. What an interesting moment. I realized the degree to which so much of who I’ve been being and what I’ve been doing has been related to hoping that the outcome would be in my favor. Having lived in hope for so long, I can tell you it hasn’t been a fun and easy ride. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone! As many of you know already, I grew up in a large Catholic family, my dad was a doctor,

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Resonance is the Sweet Spot of Living Gracefully

What are you listening for? Where are you listening From? For those of you reading this or any of my previous offerings, I suspect that you were attracted to something that resonates with you. Something engages your curious mind. Something that engages a knowing, a familiarity, a resonance with a part of you that is looking for confirmation, looking for connection, that knows of your inner guru, or perhaps desires to experience collaboration, union, and harmony as much with another as with yourself. The intention of my offerings is to deepen the listening that occurs within you, so that you more

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Dilemmas of Being a Vulnerable Human: Safe or Sublime?

My intention for this blog is: 1. To clarify that vulnerability isn’t something to be afraid of. It is a state of being that is, essentially the threshold to growing and expanding ourselves into our fullest potential, or retreating and retracting into, what can feel like stagnating strategies. 2. To help you realize that in the midst of experiencing vulnerability, we are in a pickle, a dilemma—We want to have what we want, and at the same time we want to remain secure and safe from harm and danger—even when it’s only in our imagination. 3. To show you that

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Cultivating Private Courage – Not a Shared Experience

Even though every single being on the planet is aging, we are all having a very unique experience of the world and our reality while we age. Each of us experiences aloneness, and perhaps isolation. However, the truth is, we are each cultivating a practice of Private Courage.  There is a part of us that doesn’t experience aging at all. We feel ourselves to be eternally youthful, vibrant, energized. And then we look in the mirror, or down at our arms, and we see our bodies looking wrinkled, sagging, and just don’t see how it used to be. These moments

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Stop Trying To Like Yourself

Peace on Earth begins by listening to those parts within ourselves that we ignore, avoid and judge as unworthy of respect. Peace on Earth begins with noticing when we are lying to ourselves. No one likes to be lied to. And, yet, the truth is, we lie to ourselves more than anyone else lies to us. Isn’t that fascinating?    My client, Matt, is 46, almost 400 lbs, and unhappy at work, home and in his heart. He’s a fascinating guy, in that, he is brilliant, intellectually, and in his heart, he has the wisdom of a sage. He just

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I Want It to Be Easy

For me, self-exploration is like Gaming. Whether it’s PacMan, Mario, or the highly technical games that so many people play these days, there is an intention to get from one level to the next—up-leveling themselves over and over again.    Each level of the Game of Self-Exploration requires a level of proficiency, exploration beyond what was required in the previous level. The degree to which one is inspired, committed and disciplined, to move from one level to the next,  is the degree to which one is willing to, quite often, die to make progress. It’s fascinating!   I’m in the

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How We Choose at Our Everyday Crossroads

Whenever I’m about to share an idea with you in one of these blogs, I always ask myself, what’s the point? What is the intention of anything I write and publish? Who cares anyway?   The bottom line is that for me, the practice of self-examination and self-revelation is highly pragmatic, functional, and transformational. And, it can be really fun! If I can share my experience perhaps it will support others to be curious about who is inside all of the doings of their lives. And maybe, just maybe, it will bring some fulfillment, joy and fun to their lives.

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