Category: Coaching

I Don’t Want to Be a Ghost Walking Among the Living Dead

Thank you to those of you who reached out wishing me well regarding my malaise. I know a lot about self-awakening—my own, and supporting others to self-awaken too! Mypersonal life’s mission is to experience more joy and playful delight. I want to live in theexperience of thriving. In service to my mission to thrive, I’m growing my capacity to notice myself, when I am in the doldrums or malaise, and what I need to do to move myself out of thatstate of being, and into a place at least void of the doldrums. One of my intentions for writing these columns

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The Wiggly Squiggly Truth

Here’s what I believe, if your interested… Creating is one of the most important practices in life. Each individual being is an expression of the Divine energy of LIFE. We are each unique expressions of the Intelligence behind all that is. And, I believe that, our true test in life is to be the fullest expression of our essential nature. And, finally, as part of creation we are creators ourselves—we can’t not be! Every single client of mine is subjected to at least one short lecture on the importance of creating in their lives. The majority of them respond with

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The Common Denominator—Turning Life Upside Down

People often ask me how I can be so transparent, upfront and personal with my life. My answer is this: What I know to be true is that everyone of us are living through circumstances that, though may look different than mine, are actually very, very similar at the core of our experience and our being.  I share what I share about what it’s like to be me with the intention of letting people know that none of us are alone in our human existence.  Wherever you look, you’ll see people who are going through struggles that though may look

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Sitting in the Extraordinariness of Someone Else’s Dream

Last night I watched the movie Spirited, with Will Ferrel, Ryan Reynolds and so many great actors—and with a huge cast (Written and produced by Sean Anders and John Morris. It’s on AppleTV). WOW!! The wow for me is that this incredibly complex modern Christmas story, is based on Dicken’s “A Christmas Carol.” However, the extraordinariness of, well, everything about this movie, silences my mind. In my heart I sit in that moment when one person said to himself, “Hey! I got an idea!!!” Whether its the Wright brothers or Anders and Morris, the moment inspiration is sparked is a

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Deconstructing Me

The pitter-patter of the rain on my roof woke me earlier than usual. I turned up the thermostat, climbed back into bed and prayed I’d fall back asleep.  Thoughts that came to me before that slumber arrived had to do with my normal pattern of experiencing myself left out—it’s the holiday season, after all, and being a person without family close by, well, it’s part of my schpiel. Every podcast and blog, at this time of the year, reminds us that we are supposed to be grateful, generous, loving, kind, and forgiving of others.  Sometimes I just can’t get there.

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Growing Peace—Who Me?

I For One Am Tired of Being Afraid I’m so tired of being afraid. I’m tired of waiting for the sky to fall, like Chicken Little. I’m tired of waking up anxious about war, shootings, weather patterns or the virus. I’m tired of it and want things to go back to Normal!   I Want Things to Go Back to Normal I want things to be the way they were—where I knew how to be me and how to do me with regard to—well, just about everything and everyone. What, on Earth, needs to show up in order for me

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Why is Goal Setting Hard?

I was invited to write a piece for the Fesyk Marketing Blog on why goal setting is so hard. As always I learned a lot just by writing what I thought I already knew. Here is the link that that post. It’s well worth the effort!

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Inward Bound: Bootcamp for Self-Transformation

Inward bound: Bootcamp for Self-Transformation takes place through 20 videos over 4 weeks, though you can work the program at your own pace. Each video provides skills, tools and practices, which support and empower you through the basics of any and every transformational experience possible. WOW! How Amazing!   What Actually is a Bootcamp? A bootcamp is a disciplinary program within which one commits to participating in a rigorous and structured routine. It is an undertaking that requires one to endure intensive initiation and training. Yikes! Sounds scary, doesn’t it? Choosing to engage in a bootcamp, like this one, is

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Letting It All Go

My friend Shannon asked me the other day, “So, Rosie, what are your intentions for this new year 2022?” I said, “My intention is to have no intention. Historically, anything and everything I intend regarding ‘more, better and different,’ brings me nothing but frustration–especially when it comes to monetizing my business. Financially, I’m fine. However, there is something gnawing at me, which keeps me feeling angst and anxious. In 2022, I’m letting go and letting God.”   Monetizing Your Business & Your Life In the world of attraction and manifestation, we are taught to hold intentions, create a vision board

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The Ultimate Thinking Partner

Over the last month, I’ve been struggling with the needs of the Inward Bound: Bootcamp for Self-Transformation. There are so many details of this project that need attention to ensure that it will be a great experience for you. Part of the bootcamp experience is the Inward Bound Companion Workbook that I’m in the process of finishing. (It will be available later this year.) Under the guidance of Fesyk Marketing and my daughter Elissa, I’ve immersed myself in the process of making the workbook a great learning experience – one that is enjoyable, entertaining and inspiring, so that you feel inspired, to whatever

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