Category: Coaching

Choosing What is Infinitely Pleasing Over Guilt and Deprivation

The choices we make are so often created through a visceral and emotional trigger. Most of us are imperceptibly unconscious of these responses and consider them so normal we have no awareness of this process. We are unaware and unconscious of how we choose to choose what we choose! Until we become aware of how we choose what we choose we are at the mercy of a system – patterns of being, which keep us stuck, resistant and pretty unfulfilled. And, we wonder why life isn’t changing for us, even though we really want it different. Little by little I’ve

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Spiritually Transformative Experiences – You Want to Know More!

Spiritually Transformative Experiences? What the heck are they? There is an organization that birthed itself about 10 years ago, called The American Center fro the Integration for Spiritually Transformative Experiences ( Their mission is to train therapists, psychiatrists, spiritual guides, ministers, and life coaches to support individuals who have experiences beyond our 3D reality, and who need assistance to integrate these experiences into their lives. What are Spiritually Transformative Experiences? I suspect that more people than not have had a spiritually transformative experience. You may have a different name for the experience, such as: out of body experience, mystical experience, or

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Can I Get A Witness

Well, I have to say that you, my dear reader, have been a witness to my highs and lows, my ups and downs for almost two decades now. Is that possible?! These newsletters, as well as my website, blog posts, books, podcasts and now YouTube videos, are all testaments of one person’s journey through the messiness and the yahoo’s of life. Thanks for being that witness for me! It’s a wonderful thing to have the experience of trust in one’s listeners. Recently I began offering YouTube Live videos, where I’m connected to an unseen audience that I only know exists

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My Spiritual Principles and How I Came to Learn Them

A principle is not a directive. A principle won’t tell you what to do or how to do it. It is just a statement of perceived truth. It is a statement which guides and delivers each individual to their destiny. Discerning the principles by which you live your life might be the most important task of this lifetime! I created a lot of suffering in my life because I followed the principles that I was trained to believe were true. My religion, my heritage, my gender, my environment – each infused within me certain truths that I believed I needed

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Be Happy For Others – It Can Be Contagious!

As a young adult in my 20’s, 30’s, and even into my 40’s, I would see people with partners, children, houses, cars – success and fulfillment in a nutshell – and I would feel resentful. They had what I wanted. To be honestly truthful, in my 60’s I still witnessed myself believing that I can’t get for myself what I so want in the world. I’ve been bitter, resentful, and I’ve have carried victimhood like a right and an entitlement for the tragedy that was my life. Why did they get what they wanted? Why not me? Mind you, I

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When Dreams are Dashed

I believe that there is a knowing of magic, a knowing of miracles and a knowing that all dreams come true. It is intrinsic to our essential nature as human beings. However, so many times in a person’s life circumstance creates challenges, and those challenges are catalysts for major life decisions that we make about ourselves, the world and other people. Those decisions make us or break us. It seems that way anyway. Really, they alway make us. All too often, those challenging circumstances appear to shatter this intrinsic knowing of magic and miracles, leaving us in despair and anxiousness.

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My client Stephanie needs to create a pitch to a potential client. She is bright, creative, and loves supporting her clients in making magic happen. However, when it comes to delivering her pitch, she sometimes collapses into a puddle of self-doubt and fears of rejection. Stephanie wants to make sure that doesn’t happen this time, so she’s come into our coaching session with this at the top of her wish list! "Magic exists," she says. "I know this 100%! And, I love to jump into a project with exuberance and anticipation of amazing things happening for my clients. This is

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The Wisdom of the 2×4

Global Warming, Cancer, Human Trafficking, Wars, yes, even COVID…. Sometimes it’s really difficult to hold the spiritual truth that all of what’s happening in the world is in service to supporting and empowering each and every one of us into higher states of consciousness. I’ve heard and read this perspective hundreds of times: that we come back over and over again – frequently into the same spirit families, to help those we love to grow themselves consciously. The point of growing ourselves consciously is that it enables us to experience and express greater degrees of love, kindness and generosity. The

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Transcending and Transformation Require a Paradigm Shift

An embodied memory arose last night. The memory was of being at the pool when I was ten years old. Cold after swimming, with a towel wrapped tightly around myself, I stood alone, shivering. Throngs of people were around me, but I was isolated and frozen. Nowhere to go, no one to be with. I sank deep into an abyss from which I believed I would never transcend. —- As coaches, therapists, spiritual healers and the like, though we are aware of the depths of experience the majority of our clients carry, we do not realize that in order for

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“Self-Empowerment is Required for Spiritual Awakening” Spiritual Immersion – Taking the Plunge, with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #114 Self-Empowerment is Required for Spiritual Awakening Many of us hope that just by reading spiritual material, listening to spiritual teachers speak spiritual material, or just meditating itself will bring about spiritual evolution. Truth is, cognition and mentalizing the theories of spiritual development alone won’t bring you into alignment with your highest truth and knowing. So many of us want to be more spiritual, and we want to live in the truths that we preach to others. But most of us are afraid to directly engage with ourselves and our principles. I find that fascinating. It is essential that each

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