Author: Rosie

“David Bennett Interviewed” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? With Dr. Rosie Kuhn Podcast #115

David Bennett Interviewed David Bennett experienced numerous spiritually transformative events including a near death event that changed his life – as you can imagine. David experienced being immersed in an ocean of light, meeting his soul family, and receiving a life review, before getting kicked back into his human body. David tells his story in Voyage of Purpose: Spiritual Wisdom from Near-Death back to Life – one of my all-time favorite reads! David and I have been friends for many years. I thought, “What better person to talk about aging than someone who has, in essence, been to Heaven and

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“Aging Isn’t About Aging – What?” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? With Dr. Rosie Kuhn Podcast #114

Aging Isn’t About Aging – What? “Be yourself – everyone else is already taken,” . . . ever hear that quote before? In the previous podcast I mentioned David Bennett and Cindy Griffith-Bennett and their book Voyage of Purpose. I’m on my third read of this book. The stories of David’s Near Death Experience and the unfolding processes he grew through over the years always awakens something in me that I hadn’t heard in the previous read. I find that there are some books that stay on my bookshelf – the ones nearest to my attention, so I can continue

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“Resonance is the Sweet Spot of Aging Gracefully” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? With Dr. Rosie Kuhn Podcast #113

Resonance is the Sweet Spot of Aging Gracefully What are you listening for? Where are you listening From? For those of you listening to this podcast or those I’ve previously broadcast, I suspect that you were attracted to something that resonated with you. Something engaged your curious mind. Something engaged a knowing, a familiarity, a resonance with a part of you that is looking for confirmation, looking for connection, that knows of your inner guru, or perhaps desires to experience collaboration, union, and harmony as much with another as with yourself. The intention of these podcasts Aging Like a Guru

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“Dropping Your Identity of Hope” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? With Dr. Rosie Kuhn Podcast #112

Dropping Your Identity of Hope Today, I was imagining what it’s like to be me with no hope attached to what I do or don’t do. What an interesting moment. I realized the degree to which so much of who I’ve been being and what I’ve been doing has been related to hoping that the outcome would be in my favor. Having lived in hope for so long, I can tell you it hasn’t been a fun and easy ride. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone! I grew up in a large Catholic family, my dad was a doctor, we

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“Who’s Your Savior?!” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? With Dr. Rosie Kuhn Podcast #111

Who’s Your Savior?! Everyday we put our faith in many, many people, organizations, and things such as banks, our employers, our families, our doctors, our cars, insurance company…. The list goes on and on! My question for you today is, “What’s the degree to which you put your faith in you? How safe do you feel making choices that impact on your health and wellbeing as you age?” Here are some thoughts about that! For more blogs, books, videos, or if you are interested in coaching or training with Dr. Rosie, check out her website: Heal – The Documentary

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“A New Lease on Life at 70 – Who Me?” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? With Dr. Rosie Kuhn Podcast #110

A New Lease on Life at 70 – Who Me? Harriet and Daniel met while working in the financial industry. They’ve been married 20 years. Both in their 70’s now, they clearly state that who they are now is so different than who they were 20 years ago. Harriet shares that she was all business – saying that that is what the banking world is – all business and very little heart. About eight years ago, they came across a particular network marketing company, which they initially took on as a business, with the mindset of serious business people. And

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“The Unexpected Retirement Psychosis” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? With Dr. Rosie Kuhn Podcast #109

The Unexpected Retirement Psychosis So many of us look forward to retirement, but we are not necessarily prepared for meeting the unexpected unfolding that greets us. Few have prepared themselves for the big event. Most don’t give it much thought until they find themselves at loose ends wondering what the Hell life is all about! As Gurus who are going through an aging process, it may be wise to create time to consider what it is that will be showing up when that eventful day is presented to you! – – – – For more blogs, books, videos, or if

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“Not By the Hairs on My Chiny-Chin-Chin!” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? With Dr. Rosie Kuhn Podcast #108

Not By the Hairs on My Chiny-Chin-Chin! Hormones are magical! They can make us feel powerful and sexy, and they can make us feel old and decrepit. I’ve got so many hairs on my Chiny-chin-chin, that I sometimes feel like a billygoat! Hormones are essential to our physical life cycle, to our mental capacities, and so much more. And, how we be with all of the ups and downs of the evolution of us in this life cycle can truly challenge one’s sanity! Tune in to hear how to appreciate your hormones as they change with aging. – – –

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“Who’s Driving This Bus?” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? with Dr. Rosie Kuhn Podcast #107

Who’s Driving This Bus? Few of us see ourselves as our vehicles – as our cars, for instance. We know we are an individual being who gets into our cars, or buses, to get to where we want to go. If our car has a flat tire, we don’t think “I have a flat tire.” We can separate ourselves from our vehicles. But yet it is so common for most of us to think that we are our bodies. Fascinating! Tune in to hear more about who is driving your “bus.” – – – – For more blogs, books and

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“I’m Only 40! Is This Me Aging?” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? With Dr. Rosie Kuhn Podcast #106

Hailey turned 40 years old eight months ago. Today in our coaching session, she’s grappling with choices regarding career changes and what that will mean in terms of her body potentially getting more round and saggy if she is less active. “Is this me aging?” She asks. “Am I going to turn into a frumpy, dumpy, menopausal woman, with hair on my chin and all? Is that what I’ve got to look forward to?” Hailey has a lot to look forward to. So much more than her fears tell her. Tune in, and discover what’s available for Hailey and for

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