Category: Coaching

Each and Every One of Us is Evolving—Hooray!!

For the majority of us, throughout our lifetimes, we are entrained to believe that, what we are and what we have, is not enough. We are taught to look for what we need to get, in order to be enough and have enough. Our mindset is to ongoingly worry and strategize to get what we do not have, as opposed to realizing and appreciating that we already have everything we need. Bottom line is: “I’m not enough. I don’t have enough. And, because I’m not enough and don’t have enough, I’m not safe.” In the book – A Course in

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Resisting the Habit of Resisting

I find it fascinating, the amount of time and energy we put into educating our minds, regarding the world around us, yet dedicate so little time educating ourselves about the world within our hearts, within our souls. Each of us ongoingly meet adversity within contexts of power, health, money, safety, death, natural disasters, and more. For each of us, the way out of these adversities is through our hearts, not our minds. I know this goes against consensus reality, but where in the heck is consensus reality taking us, anyway? Whether it’s relationships, health, or money, all of us have

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Oh, Hello! I See You Now

Instead of sparking joy in many readers, my most recent blog sparked guilt. They wanted to choose to organize and clear away unwanted stuff, but the guilt was too much. They found something else to do instead. Sometimes we aren’t cognizant of who’s making choices within us. We are unconscious of how we choose what we choose to choose. However, with courage and curiosity every single one of us begins to cultivate a presence of mind—of our essential-self.  Perhaps with reluctance we begin to realize that we are in relationship with various parts of ourselves. And perhaps this relationship hasn’t been

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“Here honey, I left this for you to clean up! I love you, Mom.”

Somebody is going to have to come and clean up after me, sooner or later. Perhaps it’s after I die in my bed. Perhaps it’s after I’m shipped off to a nursing home to live out the rest of my life. I have no clue the whens and hows. I just know that sooner or later somebody will have to do what I’m ignoring, distracting and avoiding. YUCK!! My urban daughter doesn’t like the rural lifestyle. Of course, that includes sheds where things are stored that I don’t know what to do with. And, where there are sheds there’s evidence

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Who’s Not Ready, Holler I!

To get some inspiration for writing today, I opened the book, Diet Like a Guru. I wrote this book eight years ago. I was surprised to be impressed with what it had to say and how relevant it is to my life, as much as it was relevant when I wrote it. A particular chapter—You Have Already Started, got me thinking about new year resolutions and how most of us have already fallen off the wagon and quit on our resolutions. Truth is, if we aren’t ready enough to stay on track with our desire for being where we say

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Letting Go of the Belief That There Should Be a Guarantee

A while back, I read an article about His Holiness the Dalai Lama, written by Stephan Talty. Stephan describes the life of this man—how he was taken away from his family very early in his childhood, how he had to study and meditate, and live a life that he did not choose for himself. His country, Tibet, was taken over by China and he was forced to go into exile. Now 88 years old, he has been given many awards, including the Nobel Peace Prize. Stephan says about the Dalai Lama: “He thinks like a man that is guaranteed nothing.”

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Beginning to Live for Real

I’m always moved and inspired by my clients. For me it’s not just a job. It’s a lifelong journey of exploring how every single one of us lives our real lives. We can’t not be living our real lives, however, we can live in a story, or an idea of ourselves that has us believe we aren’t. Is it worth questioning? Here’s a Beautiful Example My friend Jake is 55 years old. He is an amazing human being in so many ways. Jake is one of those people that everyone loves—not only because he is lovable, but because his heart

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Let’s Stop Faking It!

New Years Resolution: Stop Being Afraid You Will Be Found Out! Here’s a great statistic: 99% of coaching clients find a lot of benefit from receiving coaching! That’s a big Wa-hooo for all of us! No One Showed Up! A couple of months ago, I shared with you the release of the Webinar: The 10 Essential Truths of Transformational Coaching. Part of the offering was a free call with me to talk about what you are wanting to build for yourself, personally and professionally. Guess what? Only one person took me up on this free offer. I find that fascinating!

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Trying to Out-Do God – Not Me! 

My dad thought he was immortal and invincible when it came to dying. I watched him struggle to stay in his body when everything was going against him. His body was shutting down, but he was determined to out-do God. It didn’t work! My friends Harry and Carol attended a memorial service some time ago. They were laughing about the fact that even though death is inevitable, there is always a shock, surprise or amazement when someone dies. “Oh My God!! He Died?” There are a lot of people that eat too much, drink too much, and do things that

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Those Gifts of Christmas That Keep On Giving

In 1968, when I was about six years old, on a wintry Christmas Eve, my father was driving my five siblings and I home from an adventure in the City of Detroit. He was a doctor at Detroit Memorial Hospital. And, to cheer up some of his patients, who would remain in the hospital over Christmas, he paraded the six of us into their rooms to sing Christmas carols. They seemed to appreciate the efforts of this version of the “Von Trapp Family.”  After the hospital tour, he took us for dinner at Joe Muers Seafood Restaurant. It was the

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