Tag: Transformational Coaching

Diet Like a Guru: What is the Truth

All of us have within us a wise inner-guru, who is available to us 24-7. Our inner-guru answers every question we ask with absolute truth, because that’s what it is there to do, so we can live in our fullest potentiality – the most expansive life possible. I don’t know about you, but I am not always ready to listen to that truth and to the wisdom that often piggybacks on that truth. And, so, I forget that my inner-guru is there, and I answer my question for myself with the same old relentless patterns that don’t ever work (I

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To Deprive Myself is Out of the Question

These blogs are part of a video series I produced earlier this year. From Free Video-Blog series, to E-book and now to Blogs, I wanted to provide as much access as possible to these words of wisdom. Why? Because, I’m all about the fulfillment of the Human-Spirit…Everyone’s Human Spirit! So, here we go! The most frequently used statement of anyone wanting to change their way of being in the world: "I Don’t Want to Deprive Myself!" Okay! #1 Rule of Diet Like a Guru is: You need not deprive yourself of ANYTHING! So, with that said, you are now free

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Who’s Running My Business? I Don’t Want to Think About it!

I’m facilitating a workshop this coming August in Brainerd, Minnesota, called Who’s Running My Business. Sounds like fun, right? The intention of this workshop is for you – the participant to recognize that what you think isn’t as important as how you think. Huh? I bet you kind of feel like the guy in this photo! Any business coach, or life coach, worth their weight in salt will focus your coaching sessions on how you make the choices you make – as I like to put it – how you choose to choose what you choose. Again, with the confusion?

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Am I Worthy of My Own Expression?

For the past few weeks I’ve been struggling with more angst, worry and sadness than usual. I rarely go to menopause as the reason for these shifts in my emotional state. Though hormones can cause emotional shifts, rarely am I affected that way. And my experience is that when I stay intentional about being with myself and my emotions “ just like a mom with her child who isn’t feeling well, the source of the emotions becomes clear. A few nights ago I had a series of dreams that were very deep and profound. Usually I don’t remember my dreams,

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To Parent Like a Guru – Let Go of Everything You Think You Know About Everything

To parent like a guru – we inevitably learn to let go of everything we think we know about parenting. To parent like a guru, let go of how you perceive yourself as a parent or grandparent. Let go of the stresses and the worries, plus the hoped-for outcomes of all the blood, sweat & tears you have brought to this role as parent or grandparent thus far. Let go of doing it right, being perfect, never failing your children, or feeling like a failure yourself. Parenting like a guru requires letting go of all of that, and more. Parenting,

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Six Practices for Cultivating Spiritual Competency in Our Children and Grandchildren

Okay, so I admit it: I’ve been immersed in the study and practice of spirituality for decades. I’ve had a lot to overcome, tear-down, and then rebuild “ more like a renovation of my Absolute Truths. Why? So that I can have a greater sense of understanding of the workings of the Universe, its Divine nature, and how I participate as an aspect of the Universe. First of all, I wish on no one the anguish of growing up within a religion that I experienced as void of spirituality. Perhaps my experiences as a child have led me to discover

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Enough is Enough

Creating yourself as who you want to be can be anxiety provoking; you have no idea what your fullest potential looks like; it’s all unknown. Are you curious and courageous enough to endure anxious moments of not knowing for the sake of finding out? Are you willing to be fierce in your discipline, enough to practice 100% accountability, living into integrity, and aligning your actions with your highest truth? Can you be compassionate with yourself through this exploration, allowing yourself to fumble and be humbled by this amazing process of realizing your highest self, highest truth and highest potential? Can

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Spiritual Immersion: Taking the Plunge

Introduction Spiritual Immersion is a process of revealing the ever deeper and richer layers of our spirit-selves. This Spirit-Self resides within our human form and can only be fully known through direct, personal experience. Only through this direct experience can you explore, experiment and discover your truth and live that truth. I believe we have come onto this planet to experience the fulfillment of our human spirit. We can only do this through the self-empowering, direct experience of our humanness. The intention of this book is to inspire you to choose consciously to immerse yourself “ just as an experiment,

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Making Your Life a HELL YES

Life is moving very fast for me these days. Lately I’ve been using the metaphor of reaching cruising altitude, pulling the throttle back just a bit and just enjoying the ride. As I fly back and forth from Seattle to San Jose, the jet I’m on usually flies at about 39,000 ft. Now, that’s high! You’ve got to be big and powerful to fly at that altitude. It wasn’t long ago that my own sense of bigness and sense of power hardly got me off the ground. It was twenty years ago that a friend of mine gave me a

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The Rewards of Being the Invitation

I recently attended a teleconference on how to market and sell. The exuberant facilitator provided three pieces of information that made a lot of sense. First “ ensure that your emails and newsletters get to the person you are wanting to target, two “ ensure that your subject line is catchy, so that your intended reader will open your communication, and, three “ you guessed it, write so your audience looks forward to reading what you have to say. This expert, who has made millions of dollars teaching people how to market and sell, spent the rest of the time

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