Category: Aging Like a Guru Who me?

“It’s Not If you Die, it’s How You Face Your Inevitable Death” Aging Like at Guru – Who Me? with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #181

It’s Not If You Die, It’s How You Face the Inevitability of Your Death It is said that Japanese Samurai warriors reminded themselves of the inevitability of loss by using the phrase, "Die before going into battle." This practice allows a warrior to enter combat without fear of death because he has brought himself to the acceptance of death ahead of time. Because death is an inevitable outcome, and by accepting the absoluteness of that inevitability, the warrior fully gives himself to his mission without concern for survival or victory. Tracy Goss wrote a book called The Last Word on

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“When Other People Are Suffering” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #180

When Other People Are Suffering At any age in life, we will see or hear about other people who are having a rough time with their own aging process. It might be friends, family, or our partners. How do we respond? How do we support or help people in need? I think this is a really big question: How do we help others without endangering our own well-being? How willing are we to throw ourselves under the bus for other people? And how are we possibly doing that without even realizing that it’s happening? Listen in to find out and

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“Solitude or Isolation” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #179

Solitude or Isolation? Does it matter? YEP! Big Time!! They may sound similar, but there’s a big difference between solitude and isolation, and the difference is what motivates a person to be alone. The bottom line is that quite often as we age we can do with a lot less people time. We need more “Me Time.” We can get kind of bored with all the social pageantry that use to be so important to us. We’d rather binge on a Netflix series, a good book, or a knitting project that we can’t wait to finish. There isn’t fear in

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“What’s Really Happening When Life Gets Scary?” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #178

What’s Really Happening When Life Gets Scary? Most of us spend probably 80% of our time being afraid, to one degree or another. We’ve been trained to be afraid of change, of risk, of loss, of success, of failure, of love…. You name it! All because someone, somewhere, has declared that that is something to be afraid of. There’s another group that says we should embrace change, success, failure and the rest of it . . . but you and I both know that that’s so much easier to say than actually do. So how do we face the changes

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“What Should I Want? What Do I Want?” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #177

What Should I Want? What Do I Want? Given that there is so much information that tells us what we should want as we grow up and morph through our “Golden Years,” you’d think we knew how to do this better! Many times, though, all the options available to us actually create more confusion rather than clarity. The question: “What should I want?” comes up in a lot of my coaching sessions with my clients. My answer is always, “What do you want?” So many of us are afraid to truly know what we want, and so we limit our

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“Should I Be Afraid of Aging?” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? with Dr. Rosie Kuhn #176

Should I Be Afraid of Aging? Being aged 67 now, I know I could live well into my 90’s. That could be a good 30 years! Yet when I imagine myself in this process, I realize the degree to which I worry and wonder if I should be afraid of aging. At the same time, I don’t want to spend the next 30 years living in fear. That’s not the way I want to live this last third of my life. Living in Fear I’ve talked to quite a few people lately about aging, and I was surprised with the

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“Don’t Worry – Life is Good” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #175

Don’t Worry – Life is Good As I’ve mentioned in previous podcasts, worrying and other negative patterns of thinking contribute little to the idea that life is good. People roll their eyes when they hear me say that life is good. They think I’m being flaky. However, I’ve been doing a lot of work on my human-spirit self so that I can have a good life, and more importantly, experience the good life that I am having right now. Worrying contributes little or nothing to my well-being. It’s taken me decades to realize that. So why not pass on the

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“When in Doubt Drink Water” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #174

When in Doubt, Drink Water Regardless of our age, most of us do not drink enough water, so therefore we may be feeling symptoms of dehydration that we ignore, because it feels normal. And all too often people end up at the doctor’s office for symptoms of dehydration. One of the intentions of these podcasts is to tap into wisdom and intelligence that is always with us. When we become more aware of what’s happening physically and in all other ways, we become more empowered to make choices that keep us healthy, if healthy is what we want. Sometimes I’ve

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“What is Your Highest Value: Health, Wealth or Wellbeing?” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? with Dr. Rosie Kuhn # 173

What is Your Highest Value: Health, Wealth or Wellbeing? The longer I’m on this planet in this Earth-suit, the more I see the potential to really create the life I want to have. I’m always at choice, but what values are the values most important to me? Does wealth take precedence over health? Does fulfillment and happiness come before wealth? Each of us have our own priorities. The more clear we are with those priorities, the greater capacity we have to choose based on those priorities. Do I have the best life ever? Perhaps for others it’s not the best

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“Stuffed Animals Aren’t Just for Kids” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #172

Stuffed Animals Aren’t Just for Kids For some people, having a stuffed animal has gotten them through the toughest times. Online searches brought up studies and stories of the values inherent in keeping a stuffed animal very close by. I’ve had William for 37 years. Through thick and thin, that bear has been there for me like no one else! – – – – For more blogs, books and videos, or if you are interesting in coaching or training with Dr. Rosie, check out her website:

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