Author: Rosie

Ready for Take Off

This piece is dedicated to Emily Reed who passed away this week. We are grateful, Emily, for the gifts of your gracious presence on our dear Island. Sit Back and Relax Some people get on a plane and head out to their destination, effortlessly surrendering control to their pilots. Others are in the throes of panic – terrified of being out of control. Anxiety and fear of the unknown ride within them until they touch down at their destination. They are hyper-vigilant for that moment when the plane blows up or crashes. They await the moment of impact when powerless,

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Ageism Among The Aged

Ageism Among the Aged – That’s Whacky! I know plenty of individuals in their 60’s, 70’s and 80’s who don’t want to hang around with “old people.” These old people may be the same age, yet, they are seen as different, because they are seen as old. Isn’t that fascinating. When is Old Old, and what is Old, anyway? Orcas Island Senior Lunch. The room is a sea of white-haired people, sitting around tables, apparently enjoying the company of others. Quite often a piano player is providing beautiful and joyful music. To some, this is very inviting! Depending on which

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Discerning the Essence of One’s Life

Fearless Freedom Barbara Herschel was a long time Orcas Islander. She was a big hearted activist and advocated for changes that made our community more viable in so many ways. She was a real gift.Barbara hired me as her Life Coach at the age of 78. Her husband Bill passed away, and after a long time of caregiving for him, she was ready to return to those activities that made her heart soar. She wanted to paint again – something she was passionate about, yet she just couldn’t get around to it. My job was to get her on track

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Getting the Job Done without Trying

This week, my friend Marj had a second knee replaced, just ten months after her first knee operation. She is coming home today just two days after the surgery. Amazing. There is no dilly-dallying these days when it comes to hospital recuperation time. They expect you to get in, get out, and back on your feet the very same day as the knee replacement. Marj went into both knee replacements with conviction and commitment that she would bring her A-Game. She exercised, changed her diet, went to Physical Therapy before and after the surgery of the first knee, and has

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The Older I get the Luckier I Feel

Standing at the left cash register in the Island Hardware Store on Orcas Island, glancing into the back of the story, you will read: “If You are Lucky Enough to Live on Orcas Island, You are Lucky Enough.” It only took me 12 years of visiting Island Hardware to actually see this huge sign that is discolored with age. It had been there a long time, but somehow I missed these wise words. They have had a profound effect on me, because, up until the moment that I read those words, I took being lucky enough for granted. I saw

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Aging – Who Me:

Always Look on the Bright Side of Life! If you are old enough to be reading this article you are old enough to understand that you have been participating in the aging process well before your little feet landed on the planet. You experienced the process of aging when, around the age of six, you lost your first teeth. Six years later, you began to develop muscle, breasts, pubic hair, and growth. Invisible hormones began to create sensations that were way beyond your ability to control. For many of us, we looked forward to these changes. For others, not so

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Boy, Do We LOVE to HATE!

While reading A Course in Miracles, I came across the concept “the special Hate relationship.” Wow! Do you know that approximately 70-80% of any given population hate their jobs? As I googled what we hate or dislike there are a lot of very unhappy people who hate or dislike well, everything. And, I love this statistic: 70% of our thoughts are negative thoughts. That is a lot of negativity – a proportion I suspect is hateful in nature. I know I’ve done a lot of hating over my life. I was actually in DENIAL (Didn’t Even Know I Am Lying)

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Creating Heaven on Earth

Given all the reading and the phenomenal conversations I’ve had with individuals who have experienced near death experiences (NDE’s), and other spiritually transformative experiences (STE’s), I have no doubt that if I died today I would be immediately embraced by loving beings on the other side. I would experience uncompromising love, kindness and compassion. Immediately I would feel absolved of all my sins, mistakes and errors. The shame and guilt I thought were mine to bear for eternity evaporate into the light. I would be free. In this Heaven, there is no wanting, no needing, no hurt, no fear or

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Parent Like a Guru Introduction

Parent Like a Guru was initially created as a series of video-blogs produced in the winter of 2015. It was a shortened version of the book: Cultivating Spirituality in Children: 101 Ways to Make Every Child’s Spirit Soar. I wanted to provide a version of the book that was more accessible for busy parents, guardians and grandparents, who have little time to sit and read a book, chapter by chapter. Thus, Parent Like a Guru was born. An unforeseen outcome of Parent Like a Guru was that the blogs were rich and empowering to the readers. So it made sense

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Parent Like a Guru: Hope Is Not Enough to Make Things Happen

For many of us, we spend a lot of energy hoping that things will turn out the way we want, while we aren’t actually directing our intentions, thoughts, and actions into making things happen. Wishing and hoping really aren’t that powerful, until we put some muscle behind them. Think about it for a moment. What do you hope will be the best outcome for your children’s lives over the next week? What are you actually doing in support of ensuring that your hope is fulfilled? Quite often, we would rather live in hope, because, by just hoping, we aren’t vulnerable

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