Category: Women and Aging

Getting the Job Done without Trying

This week, my friend Marj had a second knee replaced, just ten months after her first knee operation. She is coming home today just two days after the surgery. Amazing. There is no dilly-dallying these days when it comes to hospital recuperation time. They expect you to get in, get out, and back on your feet the very same day as the knee replacement. Marj went into both knee replacements with conviction and commitment that she would bring her A-Game. She exercised, changed her diet, went to Physical Therapy before and after the surgery of the first knee, and has

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The Older I get the Luckier I Feel

Standing at the left cash register in the Island Hardware Store on Orcas Island, glancing into the back of the story, you will read: “If You are Lucky Enough to Live on Orcas Island, You are Lucky Enough.” It only took me 12 years of visiting Island Hardware to actually see this huge sign that is discolored with age. It had been there a long time, but somehow I missed these wise words. They have had a profound effect on me, because, up until the moment that I read those words, I took being lucky enough for granted. I saw

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Aging – Who Me:

Always Look on the Bright Side of Life! If you are old enough to be reading this article you are old enough to understand that you have been participating in the aging process well before your little feet landed on the planet. You experienced the process of aging when, around the age of six, you lost your first teeth. Six years later, you began to develop muscle, breasts, pubic hair, and growth. Invisible hormones began to create sensations that were way beyond your ability to control. For many of us, we looked forward to these changes. For others, not so

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Making Your Life a HELL YES

Life is moving very fast for me these days. Lately I’ve been using the metaphor of reaching cruising altitude, pulling the throttle back just a bit and just enjoying the ride. As I fly back and forth from Seattle to San Jose, the jet I’m on usually flies at about 39,000 ft. Now, that’s high! You’ve got to be big and powerful to fly at that altitude. It wasn’t long ago that my own sense of bigness and sense of power hardly got me off the ground. It was twenty years ago that a friend of mine gave me a

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To Complete, To Heal and To Save: Four Practices to Keep Relationships Clear of Tangles

Every relationship I’ve been in with a man has had the intention to complete, to heal and to save me. I’ve been separated from my husband for nearly two years. My life is full of delightful connections with people I love, work I love to do and with the beauty that surrounds me. Truly I lack nothing. However . . . Though, I know I lack nothing, how do I be in a world, which from the very beginning of life impresses upon my imagination that without a man, a one true love, who will be with me forever and

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