Category: Spiritual Immersion

“What to Do After You’ve Done Big Work?” Spiritual Immersion – Taking the Plunge, with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #165 What to Do After You’ve Done Big Work? You’ve done some big work that has taken you into a deep process. Now, you are at a point where you are ready for what’s next, but you don’t know what to do. The truth is, there is nothing to do, until you are told what to do. An analogy would be that of digging a well – 3 ft, 10 ft, 20ft. You know the water is there because the ground is moist. You call it a day and rest, because you’ve done a lot of work. The next day,

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“Sometimes Life is the Best Therapist” Spiritual Immersion – Taking the Plunge, with Dr. Rosie Kuhn #164 Sometimes Life is the Best Therapist Every dilemma, and every life event for that matter, is a growth opportunity in relation to our spiritual and human evolution. It’s a matter of tuning into what principles and values are pitting themselves against each other, and how you will choose between them once you’ve realized this dilemma. Listen in and then please share your perspective with me on my Facebook page! – – – – For more blogs, books and videos, or if you are interesting in coaching or training with Dr. Rosie, check out her website: .

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“Miracles – The Paradigm of Possibility Dwells Within” Spiritual Immersion – Taking the Plunge, with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #163 Miracles – The Paradigm of Possibility Dwells Within Miracles are normal to those who reside in the paradigm where miracles are normal. Yep! Our everyday paradigm – the 3D reality most of us live in, rejects the paradigm of miracles, except in religious or spiritual communities. All of us want to make the impossible possible, yet we don’t want to shift our perspectives and interpretations, which would allow that to happen. Such a dilemma! Listen in and then please share your perspective with me on my Facebook page! – – – – For more blogs, books and videos, or

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“Ineptitude in the Face of WTF!” Spiritual Immersion – Taking the Plunge, with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #162 Ineptitude in the Face of WTF! No person is without experiences of ineptitude and powerlessness when faced with circumstances that are out of their control. Nobody! Facing the consequences of their actions – even when they only intended good things to happen, can bring about a shattering of being in control. Forty plus years ago I made a choice that I knew was in the best interest of everyone involved in that particular circumstance. The outcome was devastating in so many ways. I had no idea that the unfolding of a decision made out of love could bring about

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“Gender, Race, Color, Religion Exists Within Spirit” Spiritual Immersion – Taking the Plunge, with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #161 Gender, Race, Color, Religion Exists Within Spirit Social justice issues stir the residue of hate that we’ve experienced within our lives, our ancestors’ lives, and within the collective unconscious. That hate within each of us is sourced in fear. We hear that all the time. However, that fear may not be conscious, but it is there. That hate is sourced in vengeance for actions done against us or others to whom we have loyalties. That hate is sourced in righteousness – an eye for an eye. That hate is sourced in ignorance. Here’s a spiritual practice to take on:

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“Always Looking for Validation or Vindication?” Spiritual Immersion – Taking the Plunge, with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #160 Always Looking for Validation or Vindication? The pattern of proving ourselves as valid, worthy and deserving only works for so far. At some point we have to take a look at what that’s about. At some point we have to be with the fact that you will never prove your worth or value in the way that will once and for all answer the question, “Am I worthy?” The point will come when you have to decide for yourself – to yourself – that you are done with that question! This is some of the most challenging conversations you

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“Out of Sight, Out of Mind” Spiritual Immersion – Taking the Plunge, with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #159 Out of Sight, Out of Mind On the tails of the previous podcast, “Skirting the Perimeters of Spiritual Work,” comes the conversation regarding the conflict between what we say we want from our spiritual practice and the underlying commitment or conflicting commitment that doesn’t want to change anything! This part quite often sabotages our commitment with things like forgetfulness, avoidance, and allowing a lot of distractions to arise that keep us from acting in alignment with what we say we are committed to. Listen in and then please share your perspective with me on my Facebook page! – –

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“Skirting the Perimeters of Spiritual Work” Spiritual Immersion – Taking the Plunge, with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #158 Skirting the Perimeters of Spiritual Work A lot of people I know who have spiritual practices share their frustrations with me that they aren’t getting much out of their practice. In fact, especially now through the pandemic, they feel more anxious, uncertain, and alone than they ever imagined. They ask, “Shouldn’t my spiritual practice help alleviate some of the panic and stress?” Listen in to see what I say and then please share your perspective with me on my Facebook page! – – – – For more blogs, books and videos, or if you are interesting in coaching or

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“Living Into One’s Life Purpose” Spiritual Immersion – Taking the Plunge, with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #157 Living Into One’s Life Purpose In the book The Alchemist, there is a great deal of focus on living into one’s personal legend. Fact is, few are courageous enough to actually live into the adventure designed by us, for us to realize. It is easier to settle for “good enough” than to stretch one’s comfort zone to include the fullest expression of one’s essential nature. But that’s exactly what we came here to do! Listen in and then please share your perspective with me on my Facebook page! – – – – For more blogs, books and videos, or

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“Multidimensional Me Multigenerational Me – Lots of Me’s!!!” Spiritual Immersion – Taking the Plunge, with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #156 Multidimensional Me, Multigenerational Me – Lots of Me’s!!! We are so much more than one person within one body. That may sound strange, however, not only are we here to integrate many lives of many lifetimes, but also to heal the traumas of our families and ancestors. How we do that is just by taking it all in, incrementally. It requires that we feel into all the experiences that are occurring within us, realizing that all the suffering and heartache will come to an end soon, even for those who died generations ago. When we do our own healing

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