Category: Spiritual Immersion

Spirituality Takes a Back Seat to Success

People come to me for coaching when they are ready for an upleveling in their lives. They may not know what that means. They just know that what they are doing isn’t working. It doesn’t mean they are in crisis. It may mean that they want a different way to look at themselves, their lives and their relationships, so that they experience themselves—more of an authentic and divine expression of themselves.  Rhonda has been on a path of self-exploration for over 30 years. She’s been dedicated to being a success as an actor and writer but has continually found herself

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Dilemmas of Being a Vulnerable Human: Safe or Sublime?

My intention for this blog is: 1. To clarify that vulnerability isn’t something to be afraid of. It is a state of being that is, essentially the threshold to growing and expanding ourselves into our fullest potential, or retreating and retracting into, what can feel like stagnating strategies. 2. To help you realize that in the midst of experiencing vulnerability, we are in a pickle, a dilemma—We want to have what we want, and at the same time we want to remain secure and safe from harm and danger—even when it’s only in our imagination. 3. To show you that

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There’s So Much More to Being Than Meets the Eye

My friend Daisy, who worked in hospice for many years, shared with me that most people make the greatest spiritual advancement in the last few weeks of their lives. I find that fascinating! Why wait?   The last time I was sick, I had not been sick for years prior, so the discomfort of it all was pretty annoying. I wasn’t sleeping and my nose was running constantly. I was realizing that that was a good time to practice something akin to meditation, but it’s not.   When I think of meditation, I think of a practice that takes me

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Do You Pray, Meditate or Quiet Your Mind? Me Either

I have a deep knowing—without a shadow of a doubt, that every single individual on the planet is working towards reclaiming and residing in, what is innate and naturally present—inner peace. Within this inherent peace resides compassion for ourselves and others. It is where one’s capacity to fully embrace joy and love is ignited.   At the same time, each of us struggles to remain in the reality we are immersed in, where our feet are planted, and our fears of safety, security and stability are well entrenched. Rarely do we find ourselves knowing inner peace. In this is an

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Before Enlightenment—Cook Meals, Do Laundry. After Enlightenment—Cook Meals, Do Laundry. (A Modern Take on an Old Zen Proverb)

  My client, Badrah, a Pakistani woman living with her husband and two teenage sons in Texas, has traveled through the depths of depression to exhilarating moments of enlightenment. She is not committed to enlightenment, only to relieving the suffering of depression and anxiety.   Badrah began working with me almost two years ago, not only to find answers to her suffering but also to train with me to be a transformational coach. Weaving training with personal work allows her to experience self-empowerment where only self-deprecation lived for so long. Much like for Badrah, most people who suffer from depression

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Inward Bound: Bootcamp for Self-Transformation

Inward bound: Bootcamp for Self-Transformation takes place through 20 videos over 4 weeks, though you can work the program at your own pace. Each video provides skills, tools and practices, which support and empower you through the basics of any and every transformational experience possible. WOW! How Amazing!   What Actually is a Bootcamp? A bootcamp is a disciplinary program within which one commits to participating in a rigorous and structured routine. It is an undertaking that requires one to endure intensive initiation and training. Yikes! Sounds scary, doesn’t it? Choosing to engage in a bootcamp, like this one, is

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“The 11 Big Take-Away’s from Spiritual Immersion” Spiritual Immersion – Taking the Plunge, with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #200 The 11 Big Take-Away’s from Spiritual Immersion These 100 podcasts have revealed so much to me. Here are the top 11 take aways, that at least for me, are the ones that will stay with me. We are always operating from a set of Principles set either by Consensus Reality or set by our High Selves, aka Spiritual Principles. No Path in Front of You is Your Path! I’m the creator of it all: Whether I experience issues related to money, health or relationships, the opportunity to reveal all of the ways I’ve created the scenarios allows me to

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“Life is a Who-Done-It Mystery Over and Over Again” Spiritual Immersion – Taking the Plunge, with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #199 Life is a Who-Done-It Mystery Over and Over Again Every circumstance is an opportunity to attend to the clues available always and everywhere. These clues have been placed there for your own discovery – so that you may stumble upon them and experience revelations and truths. Where you initially may ignore them or deny their existence, inevitably you will begin to slow down and take stock of all the elements of the situation. Like Sherlock Holmes, as you train yourself to see and let go of what you are afraid to lose, intuitively you become more conscious of sensations

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“Is My Life Experience the Chicken or the Egg?” Spiritual Immersion – Taking the Plunge, with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #198 Is My Life Experience the Chicken or the Egg? Over my lifetime, did my beliefs and perceptions cause my experience – which reinforced my beliefs, or did the experiences create my beliefs? We have to cultivate greater degrees of awareness of the source of our thoughts and the source of our experiences. Only through the practice of mindfully discovering and revealing the beliefs that are the catalyst for our experiences can we elevate ourselves, our vibrations, and the optimum realization of our potential. Tune in and then please share your perspective with me on my Facebook page! – –

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“Cultivating Awareness of How We Create Limits to Our Full Potential” Spiritual Immersion – Taking the Plunge, with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #197 Cultivating Awareness of How We Create Limits to Our Full Potential More and more often, I am aware of the times when I trigger anxiousness and worry. Do you see how I owned that I triggered it? I then become aware of the thought that is habitual, which is founded on the belief that something is wrong and needs to be fixed – and that that something that is wrong is caused by me – and I need to try and control what I broke or what I caused to break or be wrong. In the middle of the

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