Category: Aging Like a Guru Who me?

“I’m Aging My Way” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #161

I’m Aging My Way In a couple of weeks you’ll be listening to an interview I’m doing with Rajiv Nagaich regarding aging options. He is the founder of a company in the Seattle area called Aging Options. He and his staff support and empower people to stay in their own homes, not go broke, and not be a burden to their loved ones. We all want that right? An interesting fact is that over 85% of the population of the US want to die in their own home. However only about 20% actually make that happen. What is it that

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“The HOW is the Entire Point of This Journey” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #160

The HOW is the Entire Point of This Journey Upon reviewing our lives, reliving memories of the past, we can see patterns and strategies we were conditioned to engage in. There were principles and rules, ideals and obligations to uphold. As we age, and perhaps as we get beyond obligations of family and career, we are given an opportunity to review how we lived our lives, how we made choices, and how we lived within the consequences of those choices. If you are able to imagine yourself an "Indiana Jones" of sorts, you can see your life as an amazing

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“Trying to Out-Do God – Not Me!” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #159

Trying to Out-Do God – Not Me! My dad thought he was immortal and invincible when it came to dying. I watched him struggle to stay in his body when everything was going against him. His body was shutting down but he was determined to out-do God. It didn’t work! My friends Marj and Fred went to a memorial this weekend for a dear friend here on the Island. They were laughing about the fact that even though death is inevitable, there is always a shock, surprise or amazement when some one dies. "Oh My God!! He Died?" There are

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“Considering Therapy – Who Me?” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? with Dr. Rosie Kuhn #158

Considering Therapy – Who Me? Therapy, Coaching, or any form of personal development can be very useful, if not imperative at time. Personal growth and self-discovery are part and parcel to growing ourselves through all stages and ages of life. Sometimes we need the support even when we think we can do it alone. Other times, a good self-help book can do the job. In this podcast I emphasize the choice to reaching out for a Coach, Therapist or Minister as a support. What I didn’t emphasize is that you may feel desperate and despairing. I’ve been there myself many

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“I am So Alone or Am I” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? with Dr. Rosie Kuhn #157

I am So Alone or Am I? Experiencing those moments of devastating aloneness is something that occurs for each and every one of us. It is an existential phenomena: because we exist, aloneness exists. For me, the moments I feel most alone are the moments I begin any new project, and anytime I’m about to take a leap of faith – reaching into and perhaps beyond the edge of my comfort zone. In these moments I come to experience that, in this moment, I am completely responsible for how I am being and how I am being with myself. I

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“Herding Emus at 80 – Who Me?” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #156

Herding Emus at 80 – Who Me? Last week on Orcas Island, I joined three other people in their mid to late 70’s to herd an Emu back to safety and support. Who would have guessed that we would have the strength, wisdom, and patience to bring this event to a very successful conclusion?! Not me! Society as a whole writes off our elders as “useless burdens,” but just because we are old doesn’t mean we don’t have what it takes to do, well, just about anything! It often comes down to brain over brawn, patience over panic, and love

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“Divorce is a Possibility No Matter How Old We Are” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? with Dr. Rosie Kuhn #155

Divorce is a Possibility No Matter How Old We Are Divorce among Baby Boomers is on the rise. I find that fascinating. It points to the freedom to choose to be who we are and to choose what brings us fulfillment. It points to our willingness to let go of what is no longer satisfying. The status quo of “stability and security at all costs” is no longer the only way we are willing to live life. We want a better quality of life, no matter what our age. That’s a good thing! – – – – For more blogs,

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“Grace Arrives” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? with Dr. Rosie Kuhn #154

Grace Arrives For many of us, we are given clues, verbally or visually, of what’s to become of us in the future. This phenomenon can surprise us or confuse us. But it can also reassure us that grace is on its way. Listen in to hear how Grace has showed up in my life. Resources mentioned in this podcast: Radical Remission by Kelly Turner Oneness book by Rasha A Course in Miracles Aging Like A Guru Facebook Group – – – – For more blogs, books and videos, or if you are interesting in coaching or training with Dr. Rosie,

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“Bankruptcy – Breaking Promises and Being Okay – No Matter What!” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? with Dr. Rosie Kuhn #153

Bankruptcy – Breaking Promises and Being Okay – No Matter What! Did you know that 1 in 7 people who file bankruptcy are over the age of 65? I’m one of those people. To decide to break a promise to my bank was just as hard as breaking promises when I chose to leave my marriages. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do. This podcast explores some of the challenges of breaking promises you meant to keep. – – – – For more blogs, books and videos, or if you are interesting in coaching or training with

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“Take a Nap!” Aging Like a Guru – Who Me? with Dr. Rosie Kuhn #152

Take a Nap Taking a nap can be a great way to restore sanity to your mind, body and spirit. For some of us, it goes against the grain. For others, it’s just what the doctor ordered – who me?! – – – – For more blogs, books and videos, or if you are interesting in coaching or training with Dr. Rosie, check out her website:

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