Tag: belief systems


My client Stephanie needs to create a pitch to a potential client. She is bright, creative, and loves supporting her clients in making magic happen. However, when it comes to delivering her pitch, she sometimes collapses into a puddle of self-doubt and fears of rejection. Stephanie wants to make sure that doesn’t happen this time, so she’s come into our coaching session with this at the top of her wish list! "Magic exists," she says. "I know this 100%! And, I love to jump into a project with exuberance and anticipation of amazing things happening for my clients. This is

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Generating Momentum – The Art of Tending Fire

Without a doubt, what we want most for ourselves as coaches and for those we serve, is that we generate momentum towards manifesting our highest purpose and desire. Clients of mine, whose desire it is to have a thriving business, find it challenging to get out of their own way. Many of them are budding coaches who are passionate about their work, yet carry lifetimes of patterning that continually reminds them of how failure met them at every turn. Repeatedly, dreams of achievements are dashed, and they are left to their own undoing. Inevitably, the patterns of lifetimes ending in

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Success: Where does it lead?

Harvey, a client of mine for over four years, lives and works in LA in the television industry. Brilliant, creative and kind, he makes everyone feel appreciated by his character and presence. Harvey has finally arrived at his dream. Not only does he have the dream job for himself, he’s also getting paid what he’s worth. He is in the groove! Harvey grew up in the bible belt of Texas. Allowing himself to be worthy of a salary that reflects all of what he brings to his career was a huge undertaking since it went against the primary tenets that

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