Category: Spiritual Immersion

“When Will I Arrive?” Spiritual Immersion – Taking the Plunge, with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #196 When Will I Arrive? Lao Tzu, the great Chinese philosopher said, “The Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” What I want you to know is, with each step, there is an arrival. With each step you are somewhere you’ve never been before. With each step you have the opportunity to experience life anew. Something is different within you, that you can come to notice and recognize the you that has just arrived. Over and over again, you will arrive! Tune in and then please share your perspective with me on my Facebook page! – –

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“What’s Really Happening When Nothing Seems to Be Happening” Spiritual Immersion – Taking the Plunge, with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #195 What’s Really Happening When Nothing Seems to Be Happening What else can be happening when nothing seems to be happening? Perhaps we are expanding our capacity for patience, tolerance, and our ability to surrender control and righteousness. Perhaps we are learning to be with “what is” with Patience – no waiting, just being. Perhaps we are building reliance. Perhaps we are discovering what it is like to live outside the paradigm of control, right and wrong, productivity and stress. Perhaps we’ve arrived at a level where nothing matters, and what if it did? Tune in and then please share

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“Trials and Tribulations of Becoming Enlightened” Spiritual Immersion – Taking the Plunge, with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #194 Trials and Tribulations of Becoming Enlightened We tend to imagine that with enlightenment comes pure bliss, nirvana, joy and love. This is mostly true, but sometimes, more often than not, we are still challenged to witness ourselves enmeshed in the trials and tribulations of having our human experiences. Tune in and then please share your perspective with me on my Facebook page! – – – – For more blogs, books and videos, or if you are interesting in coaching or training with Dr. Rosie, check out her website:

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“Looking to the Evidence of the Past – NOT!!!” Spiritual Immersion – Taking the Plunge, with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #192 Looking to the Evidence of the Past – NOT!!! Looking at the evidence of my past history reinforces me to not trust anything — not my intuition, not God, and certainly not people. At almost every crossroads I’ve come to, I’ve been required to choose to either follow the belief of my past (aka, not to trust), or to voluntarily suspend my beliefs in the past and experiment with Faith-Leaping. Let me tell you, Faith-Leaping is getting to be so much more fun. Try it!! You’ll like it!! Tune in and then please share your perspective with me on

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“Revealing Yourself One Layer at a Time” Spiritual Immersion – Taking the Plunge, with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #191 Revealing Yourself One Layer at a Time Throughout this spiritual immersion process, it often feels as though you are covering the same ground over and over again. It can feel as if you aren’t make progress whatsoever! Yet if you were to really acknowledge how you have changed over the course of this lifetime, in relation to any particular situation, you will view yourself in a way that allows you to see how you have changed, and how you have grown wiser, more mature. Taking the time to truly acknowledge the ways in which you’ve changed and matured will

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“Leaning into Limitlessness – How Fun!!” Spiritual Immersion – Taking the Plunge, with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #190 Leaning into Limitlessness – How Fun!! One side effect of the spiritual immersion process is that it allows for the expansion of our awareness and of our experiences to include what is limitless and what is infinitely pleasing. Are you excited yet?! Tune in and then please share your perspective with me on my Facebook page! – – – – For more blogs, books and videos, or if you are interesting in coaching or training with Dr. Rosie, check out her website:

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“Excuses and Justifications Slow You Down!” Spiritual Immersion – Taking the Plunge, with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #189 Excuses and Justifications Slow You Down! You might not enjoy hearing this, but excuses and justifications quite often keep up from being in alignment with our highest good and our highest truth. Tune in and then please share your perspective with me on my Facebook page! – – – – For more blogs, books and videos, or if you are interesting in coaching or training with Dr. Rosie, check out her website:

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“Faster! Easier!!” Spiritual Immersion – Taking the Plunge, with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #188 Faster! Easier!! We don’t like the pain. We don’t like the emotions. We don’t like the uncertainty. So we want to do what we can to control what we believe we can control. Unfortunately, the more you experience the need to try to control the situation, the tougher it will be on you! There’s a reason for the saying, “what you resist persists!” Tune in and then please share your perspective with me on my Facebook page! – – – – For more blogs, books and videos, or if you are interesting in coaching or training with Dr. Rosie,

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“The God Forsaken Crucible Called Grief” Spiritual Immersion – Taking the Plunge, with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #187 The God Forsaken Crucible Called Grief The previous podcasts revealed those moments where we not only begin to question reality, but we also begin to choose to choose something other than pain and suffering. With these choices, what inevitably arises is deep grief for the losses incurred. We begin to let go of what we were truly afraid to lose all along. However, with courage and self-empowerment, we can learn to comfort and support ourselves through this deep grief release. And, it is also the time that we are ready to choose to receive support from recovery fellowships, spiritual

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“Now is the Time to Choose Something Other than Pain and Suffering – or Not!” Spiritual Immersion – Taking the Plunge, with Dr. Rosie Kuhn, #186 Now is the Time to Choose Something Other than Pain and Suffering – or Not! In the previous podcast I spoke about the moment when you begin to question reality. Inevitably, the profound moment arises when you also choose to choose something other than pain and suffering. You begin to empower yourself to truly listen to your own truth, and to begin choosing from that place from now on. This is a profound moment in your life! Congratulations!!! Tune in and then please share your perspective with me on my Facebook page! – – – – For more blogs,

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