Category: Humaness

The Wisdom of the 2×4

Global Warming, Cancer, Human Trafficking, Wars, yes, even COVID…. Sometimes it’s really difficult to hold the spiritual truth that all of what’s happening in the world is in service to supporting and empowering each and every one of us into higher states of consciousness. I’ve heard and read this perspective hundreds of times: that we come back over and over again – frequently into the same spirit families, to help those we love to grow themselves consciously. The point of growing ourselves consciously is that it enables us to experience and express greater degrees of love, kindness and generosity. The

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The Fear Virus

I’m not at all afraid of the COVID-19 virus. I’m healthy, I live far away from people and as an introvert, I am happy being reclusive. In my perspective, the virus that is a greater problem in our world is the Fear Virus. It spreads so much more quickly. It’s already worldwise and exceptionally contagious, and it destroys lives in ways that are so much worse than the COVID-19 virus. I don’t know about you, but my life experiences have led me to be highly susceptible to catching fear from others. Some would call it PTSD, but all I know

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Quarantined But Not Powerless

With the COVID-19 phenomenon in full swing the world as we know it has turned on it’s axis, at least when it comes to our orientation towards work, money, and the fear that we are going to Hell in a hand-basket! So much of what we’ve focused on, and has been effortlessly available to us, is at least for a while taken out of our reach. Some of us have free time on our hands that we are happy about. Others, not so much. So many of us are home, wondering what to do with ourselves. I hear a lot

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What’s Really Happening When Life Gets Scary

Regardless of who you are, the career path you’ve taken, your family, or the spiritual path you are on, inevitably you will meet something really scary and realize that you cannot escape one of our greatest adversaries “ uncertainty. Uncertainty brings up feelings of powerlessness, loss, and vulnerability. It scares us into withdrawing from the growing edge of our life, opting instead to hold back until we feel more brave and confident.   In fact, there are numerous circumstances these days that are triggering the experience of uncertainty. The COVID-19 virus pandemic is just the latest, and it’s impacting everything

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Life Without Angst? Impossible!

My local newspaper recently asked me to write something that could perhaps reflect some peace amongst all the current public angst that is occurring. What with the COVID-19 and the state of political affairs, we are being pushed to be with ourselves in a way that is very new to so many of us. So I wrote down this conversation, which for me is at the heart of all the angst in the world.   A Coaching Session Bob (not his real name) – What do I do with the angst I feel about the really scary situation in our

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I Have No Intrinsic Value “ Who Me?

I’ve experienced some really great accomplishments lately, and I feel good about these accomplishments. Now the question is, do I want to do more? All sorts of thoughts rush in before I can even complete the question “ do I want to do more? And the bottom line is this answer, "I don’t know. I’ll have to see what shows up!" The dilemma that arises pits my judgments of myself, based on accomplishments, productivity and proving myself worthy in the world, against my spiritual principles, which distills down to "be fulfilled in expressing love, joy, fun and only do what

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Wanting the Stars in My Lap: Manifesting – The Art of Letting Go

I know a lot of people, including me, who want to instantly manifest their desires for wealth and prosperity. There are even tons of books and videos, workshops and presenters that tell you how to do it. The truth is, however, most of us miss the point of the exercise of what’s being taught, so we manifest disappointment, not delight! The book Oneness, received and transcribed by Rasha (2006), provides enormous support in cultivating the capacity to manifest one’s heart’s desire. It virtually says the same thing that every other source of expertise on the subject suggests: To notice and

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When Blocked and Frustrated – Let It Be

I finished a painting this past Sunday. That’s nothing new. However I felt like I’d worked hard all weekend. I was exhausted. And come Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, I woke up looking forward to a nap! "But there’s so much to do! And I haven’t done enough to deserve a nap!" I admonished to myself. Thursday, however, I awoke with ACISTE PRESENTATION POWER POINT knocking on my brain – trying to get itself onto paper before I was out of bed! (I’m presenting at the upcoming ACISTE Conference next month. This power point presentation had to get completed.) I had

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Friday’s Feast on Facebook This is What Happens When You Get Successful! Recently I started getting an influx of emails from Mailchimp indicating that people were subscribing to my newsletters. This is a good thing, right? I noticed, however, that there was something not quite right: in the section of the form where there should be the first and last name, there was a series of letters – not words. I began to panic. I must have gotten hacked – though it makes no sense why this could be of value to someone else! "This is What Happens When You

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As I was watering my plants today and thinking about this Live Event, the question that came to mind is this: "What’s the degree to which you are transparent in the world?" Or, "From 0-100, what percentage of your life are you protecting and armoring yourself from being violated?"

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