Yes, Guru’s don’t diet. Nor do they use substances to mask or numb themselves from emotional pain and fears. They empower themselves to look at their emotions, thoughts, and body sensations mindfully. With presence of mind, they uncover old patterns of thinking and believing that no longer make sense, except within the unexamined vault of wounds.
You and I are no different from any Guru I’m aware of. You have the same capabilities to choose in service of your highest truths and values. And every Guru began where you are now – in doubt, fear, and resistance. They, like you, decided that something is more important than numbing, avoiding, and distracting their minds from their true selves, and the lives they’ve been given. They, like you, will have taken one incremental step at a time, examining what has caused them to choose unsuccessful practices over and over again. You will find, as Gurus have found, that every single moment reveals the truth of inner courage, conviction, strength, and love; they just had to see it and not turn away from it. I, like you, like every Guru I know of, can, and will inevitably choose love. It’s just a matter of when.
This book, Diet Like a Guru, provides perspectives, stories, and ideas that will empower you to think differently about what you may have not been thinking about at all. It encourages you to question those principles and values that you’ve relied on for a lifetime, in support of your choice-making, regarding food, drinks, and any other substances that seem to give comfort and nurturance.
Series: Guru Series
Genres: dieting, self-help, spirituality
Tag: Dr. Rosie's Books
ASIN: 0990815145
ISBN: 0990815145

It's What You Put in Your Heart, Not in Your Tummy
Perspectives, stories, & ideas to empower you to think differently about dieting & encourage you to question what you've relied on for a lifetime, in support of your choice-making regarding what gives you comfort & nurturance.