Having to take remedial English and grammar courses in high school and in college tells you I had no innate talent for the written word – that is until I found myself immersed and engaged in courses I loved, which required writing. Those courses turned into graduate programs, theses, and eventually a dissertation. I have no idea how that happened, other than surrendering to Divine Providence.
During my dissertation phase of my Ph.D., I overheard people talking about me, saying that I’m a good writer. Knowing my history of struggling with writing, I figured that they were actually talking about someone else, until I was invited to be part of a group of post grads who were writing a book related to embodied writing. I was excited about the professor and the participants – many of whom were my friends. That year was one of the most important years of my life, in that it gave me a way of seeing myself as not only competent, but perhaps even gifted. I gained the confidence to share my voice, and the expression of me through writing.
To write my first book, Self-Empowerment 101, I had to resist the impulse to quit – every single day. I had to let go of my attachments to this little baby making me rich and famous. I had to let go of the shame that showed up in the question that plagued my mind: “Who are you to write a book?” I had to dismiss all of the disdain and humiliation that arose from within. The tenacity of Spirit to keep nudging me, “just one more day,” got me through the writing phase in 4 months. The rest unfolded as things tend to do. And, Self-Empowerment 101 is still one of my very favorite books!
I was sure that this would be the one and only book I’d write, that all of my creativity had been used up! However, that was over 10 years ago! To my surprise more books came through me, and here we are today.
Currently I have 14 books under my belt, many of which have been translated into multiple languages. Two more books are in progress! I’ve finally given up the idea that any book will be my last book or that I’ve used up all of my creativity. They just keep writing themselves. My job is to just be attentive to the intuitive Spirit that is intent on writing, and to keep my fingers working!!
I hope that you find just what you are looking for amongst my offerings. I’m so grateful to have experienced the birth and brilliance of each of these little darlings. Enjoy!