Day: February 17, 2023

The Wiggly Squiggly Truth

Here’s what I believe, if your interested… Creating is one of the most important practices in life. Each individual being is an expression of the Divine energy of LIFE. We are each unique expressions of the Intelligence behind all that is. And, I believe that, our true test in life is to be the fullest expression of our essential nature. And, finally, as part of creation we are creators ourselves—we can’t not be! Every single client of mine is subjected to at least one short lecture on the importance of creating in their lives. The majority of them respond with

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In Sickness and In Health: Illness as a Rite of Passage

My client, Martha, emailed me before our session yesterday, to say she was in the hospital. She had had an asthma attack so severe that her husband took her to the emergency room. She wondered if I’d be okay if we could do our session while she was in the hospital. A lot was coming up with her and she wanted to talk about it sooner, rather than later. Of course, I was absolutely fine with that. I had no doubt, especially in conversation with Martha, some wonderful revelations would present themselves. Sitting in the hospital, Martha experienced a lot

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