The path to enlightened living is not drawn out right in front of us. It does not miraculously appear overnight, or after one exclusive spiritual realization.
Psychologist and Transformational Coach, Dr. Rosie Kuhn’s path is no different. Her path began with a commitment to explore the outer fringe of thriving, and it ends, who knows where! As Dr.Rosie moves toward enlightenment, many discoveries and revelations have stopped her in her tracks. Only through deep conviction, training, and practice is she able to align herself with her highest truth. Through storytelling her own experiences, Dr. Rosie teaches how exercising and experimenting with incremental leaps of faith can allow for the extraordinary to occur. Not only for her, but for you too.
Genres: self-help, spirituality
Tag: Dr. Rosie's Books
Publisher: The Paradigm Shifts Publishing Company
Publication Year: 2020
List Price: $14.95 (CAN)
eBook Price: $9.99 (CAN)

The path to enlightened living is not drawn out right in front of us. It does not miraculously appear overnight, or after one exclusive spiritual realization.
Psychologist and Transformational Coach, Dr. Rosie Kuhn's path is no different. Her path began with a commitment to explore the outer fringe of thriving, and it ends, who knows where! As Dr.Rosie moves toward enlightenment, many discoveries and revelations have stopped her in her tracks. Only through deep conviction, training, and practice is she able to align herself with her highest truth. Through storytelling her own experiences, Dr. Rosie teaches how exercising and experimenting with incremental leaps of faith can allow for the extraordinary to occur. Not only for her, but for you too.