Day: April 18, 2012

Every Choice-point Grows Leadership

Leaders aren’t made by titles, position, and prestige; they are made by the choices they make at points in their career, which in the moment seem to have nothing to do with becoming a leader. It has only to do with current situations throwing curve balls in their direction, requiring them to make choices that are in the highest good of the company and in their own highest good as well. Let’s say that the company you work for is challenged on many fronts. They are not fulfilling agreements made, which initially enticed you to join the organization. You still

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Gift Me with My Enemies and My Ministers

I woke up from a dream this morning that made me question: "Really?" It was only the last few seconds of the dream that seemed so profound. It was a children’s choir “ all boys, and they were singing a Christmas song. The only lyric I heard was: "Gift me with my enemies and my ministers." This is a pretty profound phrase, especially for a group of youngsters to be singing as a Christmas song. My Enemies My enemies infuse me with intense emotions “ rage, hatred, vile condemnation and contempt. Judgments are automatic, so much so I don’t even

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