Tag: judgments

Home from Bali

I’ve been home for a few weeks now from my incredible adventures in Bali. The retreat was wonderful, I met some beautiful new friends, and my time with new and old friends blessed me with what I’ve dubbed "Bali Moments." Bali is a destination that could be easily experienced as beautiful hotels on sandy beaches with a plethora of shops with incredible bargains. It’s very inexpensive to vacation and shop there. However, like any traveling worth the time and energy – at least from my perspective, creating opportunities to experience the essence of Bali is the true adventure. That meant

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Aging – the Unfolding Perfection

Most of us on Orcas Island love our flowers. After our cold and wet rainy winters, the dreariness can do nothing but encourage hope for spring to come ASAP! When leaf and flower buds begin to emerge, our hearts well up with delight. We see the world as burgeoning perfection. All is good with the world. Intrinsic beauty exists as much in the anticipation within our ecstatic hearts as it does in the bud itself. I have a Dogwood tree that brings me such joy. Every moment of it’s life cycle evokes sensations of rapture within me. It is a

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