Tag: Conflict

The “Guilt-Free” Diet

Okay, so I found the diet of all diets! Obviously, by the title, you can imagine that it has something to do with being guilt-free, while engaging in any type of diet. Are you wanting to lose weight, stop spending, exercise more, quit smoking, spend more time with your sweetie, take time away from electronic companions? I get it! A guilt-free diet may be the way to go! Throughout my life, my body image has been really important to me “ the ‘image’ part is one thing, but the health that comes as a consequence of eating well and exercising

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Reinterpreting Confrontation in Support of Transformational Leadership

From Aline, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Dear Dr. Rosie, I’m always amazed at what you bring to your column. You touch the heart and soul of who we are under all the layers of doing what we do, in our lives and in our work. For eight years I’ve been a director for a medium sized company. I see so much more potential for the company and for the people who work here. I want to practice being more authentic and present with my direct reports. I want to leave them with dignity. I want to practice being open, engaged and

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